Congressional Black Caucus Daylight Saving Time Episode Florida Gerrymandering Incels Ron DeSantis Secret Service Terrorism WSUM

TMI 03/18/2022 – DeSantis Versus a Black Congressperson, Daylight Saved? and Why the Secret Service is Worried About Incels

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has aims to eliminate a Congressional district in his state that is primarily populated by black people. We will go over the legality of this, and how it is NO accident. Then, we go over the bill that has passed the US Senate, looking to end the madness of changing our clocks twice a year by making Daylight Saving Time a permanent state, beginning November 2023.

Finally, we talk about a recent report from the US Secret Service, noting that a significant portion of domestic terrorist activity has been coming from the growing “incel community” online. We discuss all that and more on TMI for Friday, March 18, 2022 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

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