COVID-19 Delta Variant Electric Vehicles Episode Faiz Shakir Pentagon union Vaccination WSUM

TMI 08/27/2021 – Get Vaxx Get $100, Collectivo Unionizes, Wind Turbine Size Matters, and Holy Flaming Chevy Bolts!

On today’s episode of TMI:

WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?? Will you at LEAST get vaccinated if the State of Wisconsin PAYS you $100? If you don’t live there, don’t worry – we cover a number of other incentives that are being issued to coax reluctant citizens into doing what THEY SHOULD DO ANYWAY.

Then, we celebrate the successful unionization of Collectivo Coffee, the effort to do so first referenced here on TMI on the March 19th episode with Faiz Shakir. They are the first coffee chain to do so, and we lay out the significance.

Next, we note that China is breaking the record for largest power-generating wind turbine, and we tell you why bigger actually IS better when it comes to wind turbines.

Finally, Chevrolet has been forced to recall all Bolt EV cars due to the tendency for their batteries to burst into flames. All this and more on TMI with Aldous Tyler for Friday, August 27, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media.

Best of TMI Billionaires Climate Episode Migration WSUM

TMI 08/20/2021 – Best of TMI 2020

Three favorite segments from TMI 2020:

You’ve heard how birds and other animals migrate because of climate, but what about people? We look into how the current rise of ocean levels, persistence of horrific wildfires and battering by terrible storms will be shaping where people choose to live – if they CAN choose to.

Then, billionaires get compared to a lot of naturally occurring niches in the ecosystem: predators, sure or parasites, even. However, I make the case that they are far less natural, as they get their outrageous wealth by essentially consuming their fellow human beings. That makes them cannibals.

Finally, we take a look NOT the solar year we call 2020, but the “cosmic year” – or how long it takes us to orbit around the center of our galaxy, and how things weren’t all that different the last time we were in this position, galactically. All this and more on TMI with Aldous Tyler for Friday, August 20, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media.

Bernie Sanders COVID-19 Episode Olympics WSUM

TMI 08/13/2021 – Olympic-Sized Apologies, Senate Progress, COVID Passports

On this episode of TMI, we talk about how the 2020/2021 Tokyo Olympic Games was NOT a good event, with NBC carrying a LOT of water for it, and the IOC refusing to acknowledge the many problems it had. Fine. WE will, and more, we’ll issue an apology for it.

Then, we look into how Bernie Sanders has managed to leverage his new Chairmanship in the Senate into a platform to push a progressive agenda for all of us. Finally, we check into how COVID passports are being required more and more to attend events and more – we look into how this is a good idea to promote public safety in a pandemic made all the worse by ignorant refusal to do the most basic things to stop it. All this and more on TMI with Aldous Tyler for Friday, August 13, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media.

Best of TMI Board Games Colonialism COVID-19 Episode Paganism Puerto Rico Suicide Suicide Prevention Tribute White Supremacy Work from Home WSUM

TMI 08/06/2021 – A Tribute to the Passing of Peter Conover, Musician, Pagan, Friend; BEST OF: The Ethics of Forcing People to Work With the Unvaccinated, How Strategy Games Reinforce Colonialism

This week on TMI, your host, Aldous, has lost a friend of his to suicide. We pay tribute to Peter Conover, his inimitable music, his vision of connectedness, and we also acknowledge that, for those who take their own lives, they had to fight to remain here as long as they did. We share resources to help those still with us, still fighting. Then, for the two musical breaks, we play songs by Peter, in tribute to his spirit and his voice.

Needing to rest, your host replays two recent segments for the remaining episode time: First, we discuss the ethics of being told that not only MUST you return to the office, versus being able to work from home, but that you may be forced to do so in the company of folks who have refused vaccination against COVID. Is it right to force someone to choose between living indoors and staying healthy? Finally, we look at how strategy board games like Puerto Rico force their players to adopt the genocidal mindsets of colonists in order to succeed at their games. All this and much more on TMI for Friday, August 6, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!