Bill McKibben BLM Civil RIghts Climate COP28 DFL Episode Greta Thunberg James Webb Space Telescope JWST Labor Nellie Stone Johnson union Uranus WSUM

TMI 12/22/2023 – Why You Need to Know About Nellie Stone Johnson, Thunberg and Others Call COP28 a “Cop Out”, the James Webb Space Telescope Targets Uranus and more

If you live in Minnesota, you stand a decent chance of having heard of Nellie Stone Johnson, but otherwise this pioneering black woman, born in 1905, is likely a complete mystery to you. We’ll correct that injustice as much as we are able, as Ms. Johnson was one of the most important figures in labor and civil rights – mostly as she saw no reason the two causes should ever be taken on separately.

Then, with the 28th UN Conference of the Parties (COP28) finished, we’ll check in to see how climate activists from Greta Thunberg to Bill McKibben feel how it went:. Spoiler warning: they were NOT impressed. Finally, we get to the bottom of how the James Webb Space Telescope has been used to dive into Uranus, spreading open our understanding of this place that gets so misunderstood. All this and more on TMI for Friday, December 22, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Climate disinformation Episode Ford General Motors Greece Jennifer Granholm Libya Medicane NBC Stellantis Stormy Daniels UAW union United Auto Workers WSUM

TMI 09/15/2023 – Reining In the Anti-Union Media for the UAW, “Medicane” Daniel Tears Apart Greece and Libya, Secretary Granholm Experiences the Pioneering Pains of EV Travel and more

TMI with Aldous Tyler‘s entire mission is to be The Cure for the Common Media, and nowhere is that more necessary than with the coverage of union disputes. The UAW’s upcoming strike is being presented only in terms of how bad it is going to make things for “the consumer”, and when you realize the conflicts of interest these media giants have, being beholden to giant as campaigns from the auto manufacturers, it’s no big mystery why. Find out what to be wary of, to inoculate yourself against the corporate propaganda.

Then, we show how the climate crisis is impacting the Mediterranean, with Storm Daniel laying waste to a large swath of Greece and an even larger swath of Libya, all in the span of one week. Finally, we see how the lack of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles makes using them for “road trip” travel dicey – even for the Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm! All this and more on TMI for Friday, September 15, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Abortion Episode Equality Freedom of the Press Hacking misinformation Roe v. Wade Starbucks union WSUM

TMI 02/25/2022 – View Source is Hacking, Right to Abortion is About Black Equality, Starbucks Loses Another Union Battle, More

The State of Missouri was badly embarrassed when a journalist discovered that the private details of thousands of Missouri teachers (including Social Security Numbers) was publicly accessible via the HTML code of a Missouri website, using the simple tool called “View Source” – this led to the journalist being labeled a “hacker” by the Governor. We discuss what happened in this gross misuse of political pressure.

Next, we talk about how, for white women the right to have an abortion was ruled in favor of medical “privacy”, making the legal grounds for it shaky and leaving out the number one factor that made it important to black women: equality. Finally, we give a briefing on how Starbucks has found itself on the losing end of another part of its employees’ push for union representation. All this and much more on TMI for Friday, February 25, 2022 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Amazon Capitol Building Attack Coal war Conspiracy theories COVID-19 disinformation Donald Trump Episode Homelessness January 6 misinformation Proud Boys Riot union Vaccination WSUM

TMI 10/01/2021 – Amazon’s Company Town Solution is a Horrible Idea, COVID-19 Killing More US Conservatives Than Ever, Trump’s Lawsuit to Hide from January 6, 2021

Amazon says it has the perfect solution to the housing crisis: why not let them house their workers in affordable housing near their workplaces, allowing them to also help control costs by supplying transportation, food, and other needs? Why? Oh, we’ll tell you, and the answer is to be found in the old classic “Sixteen Tons”.

Then, COVID-19’s path of death has shifted its focus: as more of your centrist-to-leftward population in America has gotten vaccinated versus the conservative side, more US conservatives are finding themselves hospitalized by the “hoax”, with no few of them dying of it. Finally, we look at how Trump is suing to try and keep White House records from January 6th, 2021 from investigators into the Capitol Attack. Nothing suspicious there. All that and much more on TMI with Aldous Tyler for Friday, October 1, 2021. Listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

2021 Afghanistan Climate Coal war Episode Global Politics Ronald Reagan union War WSUM

TMI 09/03/2021 – Nine Terrifying Words, Alabama’s Coal Strike and the History Behind Leaving Afghanistan

Ronald Reagan gave us his “nine most terrifying words in the english language” 40 years ago – we examine how this devious concept has insidiously corrupted our ability to function as a government, even when it comes to responding to immediate threats like Hurricane Ida.

Then, we talk about the strike down in Alabama by miners of Warrior Met Coal, and the similarities to some historically violent coal strikes that rocked the USA roughly 100 years ago. With luck, maybe we can protect workers’ rights without so much bloodshed this time.

Finally, we look at the completion of the USA’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, and how it has been long overdue. All this and more on TMI with Aldous Tyler for Friday, Sepetmber 03, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media.

COVID-19 Delta Variant Electric Vehicles Episode Faiz Shakir Pentagon union Vaccination WSUM

TMI 08/27/2021 – Get Vaxx Get $100, Collectivo Unionizes, Wind Turbine Size Matters, and Holy Flaming Chevy Bolts!

On today’s episode of TMI:

WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?? Will you at LEAST get vaccinated if the State of Wisconsin PAYS you $100? If you don’t live there, don’t worry – we cover a number of other incentives that are being issued to coax reluctant citizens into doing what THEY SHOULD DO ANYWAY.

Then, we celebrate the successful unionization of Collectivo Coffee, the effort to do so first referenced here on TMI on the March 19th episode with Faiz Shakir. They are the first coffee chain to do so, and we lay out the significance.

Next, we note that China is breaking the record for largest power-generating wind turbine, and we tell you why bigger actually IS better when it comes to wind turbines.

Finally, Chevrolet has been forced to recall all Bolt EV cars due to the tendency for their batteries to burst into flames. All this and more on TMI with Aldous Tyler for Friday, August 27, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media.

Corporate Malfeasance Episode Equality Homelessness Media misinformation union WSUM

TMI 04/30/2021 – The Discrimination of “Low Skill” Jobs, Nonwhite Millennials Suffer Greater Wealth Inequality, and How City-bought Housing Actually Solves Housing Crisis

If you knew your worth to your employer, you’d almost certainly not put up with the sliver of that worth that they pay you to work for them. One of the tricks used to keep you from demanding more for the hours of your life you spend laboring is to call MANY jobs “low skill”. We examine this falsehood that is meant to make you feel bad for wanting to have your needs met while making the boss rich.

Then, we look at the famous disparity of wealth between Millenials and past generations, and how, when sorted racially, that disparty gets much worse. Finally, we see that cities have found a solution to the housing crisis plaguing them: buy housing up and manage it for those in need! All this and much more on TMI for Friday, May 17, 2021 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Amazon Billionaires Capitol Building Attack Conspiracy theories COVID-19 Democratic Party disinformation Donald Trump Election Integrity Episode Fascism Freedom of Speech Freedom of the Press George Floyd GOP January 6 Joe Biden Kamala Harris Media misinformation Mitch McConnell Presidential Politics QAnon union Universal Health Care

TMI 04/02/2021 – Amazon Fights Unionization, American Democracy Stressed by 2020 Election

As efforts by the workforce at Amazon’s Bessemer, Alabama facility to join the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union ramp up, Amazon has been engaging in dirty tactics to frighten, intimidate and bully their workers out of voting yes. While these tactics are used far too commonly nationwide against unions. Amazon was using their immense power to involve local police, the postal service and more.

Then, we examine how the tumultuous election of 2020 has strained the very structure of democracy here in the United States, and where these weak points can cause future trouble. All this and more on TMI for Friday April 2, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

COVID-19 disinformation Faiz Shakir Google misinformation union

TMI 03/19/2021 – The More Perfect Union Project w/ Faiz Shakir, What it Will Take for Post-COVID “Normal”, Search Engines Spread Disinfo By Design

Weekends, employer-provided health coverage, overtime pay, a ban on child labor – these are all benefits to society as a whole thanks to unions. Faiz Shakir, formerly of the Bernie Sanders campaign, knows all too well about how unions have been falling in membership size and power, and seeks to restore them via the More Perfect Union project. We discuss.

Then, we look seriously at what it is going to take to return to a pre-COVID normal – or if that is even possible. Finally we take on disinformation at its most unlikely source: search engines! That’s right, the way Bing or Google serve you up answers also serves you up with topics you LIKE, not necessarily ones that are correct. All this and more on TMI for Friday, March 19, 2021! Listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media! 

Big Oil Capitalism Climate Climate Lawsuits Episode Native Americans union WSUM

TMI 02/14/2015 – A Few Facts, A Small Tribe Beats Big Oil, Defamation Not Allowed in the Climate Change Debate

For the past 30+ years, we’ve been told that economics are simply common sense, which had a deleterious effect on how much attention we paid to facts that might contradict the sensible-sounding slogans of “Wage hikes cause unemployment. Unions are job killers. Companies are job creators. Tax breaks for the few trickle down to the many as wages. Inequality works, or rather it makes people work harder.” However, we’ll discuss how, if we pay attention to the facts, we might just discover that reliance on  “common sense” can be used to sell lies and bilk most of us out of our own ability to thrive.

Also, there’s a tribe out there that actually has brought Big Oil to a standstill on the lands they hold, and in Canada, the courts have said that you can debate climate change all you like, but you cannot make scientists who work hard and have no notable flaws to their methods or their research seem incompetent or deceitful.  All that and more on TMI for Valentine’s Day, Saturday, February 14, 2015, airing live on WSUM 91.7FM in Madison or the world over! Tune in for your Cure for the Common Media.