Anti-Fascist Antifa Ben Manski Book Review Change Agents Charles Derber Climate Community Emegency Election Episode How We Win Hurricane Helene Insurance Matt Nelson Mobilization Nancy Treviño Noam Chomsky Organizing Political Language Progressive Policy Project 2025 Reinsurance Social Democracy Social Justice Suren Moodliar union Voting WSUM

TMI 09/27/2024 – “How We Win” Contributor Ben Manski on His Part in the Guidebook to Securing Our Future, How the Climate Crisis is Destroying the Insurance Industry as More Disasters Keep Happening, more

You’re heard of the conservative playbook “Project 2025”, a top-down authoritarian guide to how they intend to restructure every aspect of our nation to cement their backwards vision of society – what if there was a book that took the entirely opposite direction? Joining us today, Ben Manski is a contributor to that book, “How We Win: Energizing Strategies, Voters, and Agendas”, a work that gives us as INDIVIDUALS the tools we need to create the progressive world we want to see, a world working for EVERYONE, not just the super-rich. Listen in!

Then, we look at how disasters like Hurricane Helene, driven by climate-crisis-charged rapid intensification, are ruining the ability of the insurance industry to have our backs as we try to recover from losing our homes, health and lives to these ever-increasing calamities. All this and more on TMI for Friday, September 27, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Anti-Fascist Antifa Ben Manski Book Review Change Agents Charles Derber Community Emegency Election Episode How We Win Matt Nelson Mobilization Nancy Treviño Noam Chomsky Organizing Political Language Progressive Policy Project 2025 Social Democracy Social Justice Suren Moodliar union Voting YouTube

ON YOUTUBE – TMI 09/27/2024 – “How We Win” – Ben Manski Tells Us About This Essential Guide to Securing OUR Future

You’re heard of the conservative playbook “Project 2025”, a top-down authoritarian guide to how they intend to restructure every aspect of our nation to cement their backwards vision of society – what if there was a book that took the entirely opposite direction? Joining us today, Ben Manski is a contributor to that book, “How We Win: Energizing Strategies, Voters, and Agendas”, a work that gives us as INDIVIDUALS the tools we need to create the progressive world we want to see, a world working for EVERYONE, not just the super-rich. Check it our below!

ABC Australia Antitrust Carbon Footprint Cars Climate Electric Vehicles Episode Internal Combustion Engine Joe Biden Monopoly Political Language Ron Johnson Russ Feingold WSUM

TMI 05/31/2024 – Joe Biden is Running Away From How He Fights Monopoly Power and That Could Cost Him Like it Did Feingold, The Real Carbon Footprint of EVs Versus Internal Combustion Cars and more

President Joe Biden’s administration has taken numerous steps to fight monopoly power in the interest of the people, but at almost every turn, the White House Communications team refuses to comment on these positions and accomplishments, making it look like Biden is doing nothing for we, the people. The distinguished progressive Senator Russ Feingold lost re-election in 2010 with a similar “run away from your progressive bona fides” strategy – it might cost Biden similarly.

Next, leave it to the ABC Network of Australia, but they’ve broken down the exact carbon footprint differences between EVs and Internal Combustion Engine cars from manufacturing and materials, fuel/energy sourcing and use through their lifetime and finally into disposal – you’ll be surprised at exactly how the two compare. All this and more on TMI for Friday, May 31, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Book Review Capitalism Clara Mattei Economics Fascism History Political Language YouTube

ON YOUTUBE: TMI 04/28/2023 – The Capital Order with Clara Mattei

When you hear the term “Class War”, it’s typically being thrown at you by those who STARTED the war in the first place – the Capital Class. Want proof? Just talk to Assoc. Professor Clara Mattei: her new book, “⁠The Capital Order: How Economists Invented Austerity and Paved the Way to Fascism⁠” lays out all the evidence of how Austerity was carefully crafted to be a weapon to use against those not fortunate enough to have been born super-rich… that’s (almost certainly) you. And it has its origins over a hundred years ago! Watch now so you know exactly what tricks are still being used to this day by those in power to keep the rest of us from improving things for EVERYONE, not just them.

Check out the book here:

Big Oil Book Review Capitalism Clara Mattei Climate Climate Lawsuits Economics Episode Exxon Fascism Fracking History Israel Palestine Political Language SCOTUS Terrorism War WSUM

TMI 04/28/2023 – The Capital Order with Clara Mattei, SCOTUS Clears Big Oil for Accountability, Israelis and Palestinians Jointly Denounce Violence

When you hear the term “Class War”, it’s typically being thrown at you by those who STARTED the war in the first place – the Capital Class. Want proof? Just talk to Assoc. Professor Clara Mattei: her new book, “⁠The Capital Order: How Economists Invented Austerity and Paved the Way to Fascism⁠” lays out all the evidence of how Austerity was carefully crafted to be a weapon to use against those not fortunate enough to have been born super-rich… that’s (almost certainly) you. And it has its origins over a hundred years ago! Watch now so you know exactly what tricks are still being used to this day by those in power to keep the rest of us from improving things for EVERYONE, not just them.

Check out the book here:

But first, we talk about how SCOTUS has cleared the way for state and local courts to hear climate change lawsuits against Big Oil. Then later, We talk about the big event in Israel that drew both Israelis and Palestinians in support of denouncing the violence against both people. All this and more on TMI for Friday, April 28, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Astronomy Big Oil Billionaires Capitalism Climate Corporate Malfeasance Dave Black disinformation Drought Episode Media misinformation NOAA Political Language Science Space WSUM

TMI 02/18/2022 – Dave Black Passes, Southwest Megadrought, How PR Has Gaslit Us All on the Environment, Supercomputer Successfully Simulates Entire Universe, More

Dave Black, founder of WSUM here in Madison, Wisconsin, and one of the key people who helped get TMI on the airwaves, has died less than one year after his retirement. While we shall spend most of this episode on other topics, I refused to go further without honoring the passing of this dedicated media visionary. Thank you for humoring me.

Then, we talk about the dry facts surrounding the drought the southwest United States has been suffering though, including how it can be considered the worst in recorded history by several measures. Next, we examine how the very framework we use on a daily basis to talk about environmental issues has been corrupted for over 50 years now to shift as much of the blame away from corporate responsibility as possible. Finally, we briefly go over how for the first time, computer modeling has been able to successfully simulate the universe from the Big Bang through to its present state. All this and much more on TMI for Friday, February 18, 2022 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

2021 Capitalism Capitol Building Attack CDC COVID-19 Critical Race Theory CRT Episode History Insurrection January 6 Political Language QAnon Riot Science WSUM

TMI 12/31/2021 – GOP Used CRT Used as Distraction in 2021, CDC Sides with Money over Science, the USA is Due for a Rebirth for the Fifth Time, More

Eschewing the ordinary year-in-review, we go over the events of 2021 that are actually worth reviewing. This includes CRT protests being used as a distraction from how the January 6th investigation was not going well for the GOP, how many more people were getting badly affected by the climate crisis, and that there was no room in the debate for helping people out financially – oh no, they wanted you to look away from all of that in order to see them roaring over how “critical race theory teaches our children to hate America”. Look for Black History Month protests this coming February.

Then, we examine the pro-corporate and flawed guidance given by the CDC regarding shortening the guidelines for COVID isolation, declaring “we can’t take science in a vacuum”… because what about the MONEY??, the science be damned. Finally, we look at how the USA had been reborn in essence four times since its foundation, and how we are due for a fifth one any day now. All that and more on TMI for Friday, December 31, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Astronomy Capitalism Climate disinformation Economics Episode Extraterrestrial Life Immigrants Media Minimum Wage Netflix Nobel Prize Political Language Science Socialism Squid Game Television WSUM

TMI 10/22/2021 – Squid Game’s Scathing Satire of Capitalism is Misrepresented by Horrified Capitalists, Nobel in Econ is Worth Talking About, the Rarity of Offworld Life Makes This World Important

The enormously popular Netflix series “Squid Game” has caught a lot of attention politically for the obvious yet unshakable satire of capitalism that it provides, clearly illustrating how ruthless and inhuman acts are virtually the only way to “win the game”. However, those who champion the capitalist nightmare we are in cannot allow (or even fathom) this sharp attack to go unanswered, going to so far as to take the creator’s quoted purpose of the series and flatly saying he’s wrong. We expose these denials and the mendacious folks behind them, and show you how to detect bad analysis about the series.

Then, this year’s Nobel Prize in Economics is actually worth talking about, as it recognizes the shift from ideological economics (which has people believing harmful nonsense about immigrants and the minimum wage) to evidence-based economics. Finally, we give an overview of how a habitable planet does NOT equal one that will spontaneously grow life of its own, and break down the beautiful rarity our own planet is. Given that, maybe we should protect it more strenuously? All that and much more on TMI for Friday, October 22, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Billionaires Climate Episode Gabby Petito Global Politics Native Americans Objective News Political Language WSUM

TMI 9/24/2021 – ‘I’ vs. ‘We’ in the Fight Against Climate Change, Billionaire Taxation is Key, More than Gabby: Native Women Need More Attention When They Go Missing, News in Brief

Global Warming’s “tipping points” like Fires, Floods, Permafrost Melt, and other catastrophes appear absolutely unstoppable when framed with the oft-asked “what can _I_ do about it?” We show why this is the WRONG framework to use when tackling climate issues.

Then, we further go into how (MMT be damned) possibly one of the most KEY parts of solving the crisis is the taxation of the Billionaire class. Finally, we shed light on how, while it is perfectly good that Gabby Petito got the attention she did when she was “lost”, so many more Native women are lost with barely a mention in even the most local of media. All this and more on TMI with Aldous Tyler for Friday, September 24, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media.

Big Oil Climate Democratic Party Donald Trump Episode GOP Political Language Presidential Politics QAnon Texas WSUM

TMI 07/02/2021 – Bipartisanship is Ruining the Climate, Firsthand Report on 2021 Ohio Trump Rally, New Study Shows TX Grid Failure is DESPITE Renewable Energy, not FROM It

On this week’s TMI, we discuss how bipartisanship is being held up as more important than continuing to work on mitigating the disastrous effects of the climate crisis. We also air a first-hand report on the 2021 Trump rally in Lorain County, Ohio, and finally we examine a new study that illustrates how the collapse of Texas’ power grid was DESPITE the use of renewable energy types like solar and wind, not, as the right-wing media tried to claim, BECAUSE of them. All this and much more on TMI for Friday, July 2, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!