Book Review Capitalism Clara Mattei Economics Fascism History Political Language YouTube

ON YOUTUBE: TMI 04/28/2023 – The Capital Order with Clara Mattei

When you hear the term “Class War”, it’s typically being thrown at you by those who STARTED the war in the first place – the Capital Class. Want proof? Just talk to Assoc. Professor Clara Mattei: her new book, “⁠The Capital Order: How Economists Invented Austerity and Paved the Way to Fascism⁠” lays out all the evidence of how Austerity was carefully crafted to be a weapon to use against those not fortunate enough to have been born super-rich… that’s (almost certainly) you. And it has its origins over a hundred years ago! Watch now so you know exactly what tricks are still being used to this day by those in power to keep the rest of us from improving things for EVERYONE, not just them.

Check out the book here:

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