Board Games Colonialism COVID-19 Episode Fish Fraud Mislabeled Fish Puerto Rico Subway Vaccination White Supremacy Work from Home WSUM

TMI 07/30/2021 – Fishy Fish – How Subway’s Tuna Scandal Isn’t the Only Seafood Fraud, The Ethics of Forcing People to Work With the Unvaccinated, How Strategy Games Reinforce Colonial White Supremacy

We’ve all heard of Subway’s infamous tunaless tuna sandwich by now – researchers discovered no tuna DNA in the meat of Subway’s famous offering, causing headlines across the country. What hasn’t been reported nearly as much as this is likely not even Subway’s fault: a staggeringly high amount of fish and seafood is being sold mislabeled. We explore the mystery of the fishy fish.

Then, we discuss the ethics of being told that not only MUST you return to the office, versus being able to work from home, but that you may be forced to do so in the company of folks who have refused vaccination against COVID. Is it right to force someone to choose between living indoors and staying healthy? Finally, we look at how strategy board games like Puerto Rico force their players to adopt the genocidal mindsets of colonists in order to succeed at their games. All this and much more on TMI for Friday, July 30, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Cannabis Legaliziation COVID-19 Delta Variant Episode Police Brutality Policing Reform Pop Culture War on Drugs WSUM

TMI 7/23/2021 – Attack of the Delta Variant, 50 Years of the War on Drugs, and How Both are Rather Similar

On this week’s TMI, we sound the alarm on the attack of COVID-19’s Delta Variant and show how it absolutely indicates that we opened too soon. Then we go over the 50 years of the War on Drugs, first declared by President Nixon, and how, by and large, the only lasting effect it had was the decimation of poor and minority-race families, communities and cities. Finally, we stop a moment and compare how both COVID and the War on Drugs hold a striking number of similarities. All this and much more on TMI for Friday, July 23, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Congress Critical Race Theory CRT Episode GOP Infrastructure K-12 Education Obstruction WSUM

TMI 07/16/2021 – Why CRT is Under Attack in K-12, The Unreal Cost of American Infrastructure, and What GOP Obstruction in Congress Means for Next Two Years

Given the complete ignorance almost everyone in the United States has about Critical Race Theory (except, of course, listeners of TMI), why is there such an outcry against it being taught in grade school? We examine. Then, we compare how little other countries spend compared to the USA for what amounts to better infrastructure, and why this is normally the case? Finally, we chart out the most likely course for the GOP and its devotion to Congressional obstruction over the next two years. All this and much more on TMI for Friday, July 16, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Big Oil Climate Episode Exxon NOAA Pensions Socialism Wall Street WSUM

TMI 07/09/2021 – Exxon Tells On Itself: Public Deception by Denial of Climate Crisis, How Wall St Turns Worker Pensions Against Them, and a News-in-Brief on a Socialism Survey and NOAA’s “Normals”

On this week’s TMI, we report on how Exxon is now divulging how for decades it has known about its role in the Climate Crisis, and how it used deceptions, manipulations and denials to keep on making billions in profits while selling out our future. Then, we examine how Wall Street regularly turns the retirement pension funds that many American workers rely on against the best interests of those workers by investing in companies and policies that make life far more difficult for them by the time they retire. Finally, we do a news-in-brief segment featuring a new Socialism Survey and NOAA’s newly-adjusted “normals”. All this and much more on TMI for Friday, July 9, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Big Oil Climate Democratic Party Donald Trump Episode GOP Political Language Presidential Politics QAnon Texas WSUM

TMI 07/02/2021 – Bipartisanship is Ruining the Climate, Firsthand Report on 2021 Ohio Trump Rally, New Study Shows TX Grid Failure is DESPITE Renewable Energy, not FROM It

On this week’s TMI, we discuss how bipartisanship is being held up as more important than continuing to work on mitigating the disastrous effects of the climate crisis. We also air a first-hand report on the 2021 Trump rally in Lorain County, Ohio, and finally we examine a new study that illustrates how the collapse of Texas’ power grid was DESPITE the use of renewable energy types like solar and wind, not, as the right-wing media tried to claim, BECAUSE of them. All this and much more on TMI for Friday, July 2, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!