Cisgender Episode Gentrification Interstate Highway System Racism Redlining Reparations Sociology Transgender White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 09/08/2023 – Fixing the Racism of Interstate Highways, Coiner of “Cisgender” Speaks Out on What it Really Means, How to Accurately Define “Gentrifying” and more

As summer winds down and many of us take to the road before things cool down, we take a look at the Interstate Highway system, and how its planning and development were used to smash communities of color all across the USA – and what we can do now to fix the problems caused by that. Sixty years of suffering is a lot to make up for, but it’s never too late to start.

Then, we hear from Dana Defosse, the PhD who coined the term “cisgender” some thirty years ago, and why she is horrified by how misconstrued and abused the term has become. Finally, we give a quick reminder of how to properly define “gentrification” so we can see it for the class struggle issue that it is, and not the cultural inconvenience some would like to paint it as. All this and more on TMI for Friday, September 08, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Brad Raffensperger Brian Kemp disinformation Election Integrity Episode Georgia GOP Greg Palast Herschel Walker Media misinformation New York Times Racism Raphael Warnock Ron Johnson Rosario Dawson White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 12/30/2022 – Greg Palast’s “Vigilante” Blows the Doors off False “Record Turnout” Claim in Georgia!

Veteran Investigative Journalist Greg Palast joins us to discuss how the media repeated (not reported on) the lie fed them by Georgia’s Brad Raffensperger. What lie? That the runoff election had “record turnout” when that last runoff just two years ago had ONE MILLION MORE VOTES. He and I even do the EASY math for you here and lay it all out, not only the ramifications for Georgia, but the rest of the nation! It you can’t tune in at 5:00pm Central to WSUM 91.7FM to catch this episode then LISTEN NOW: there’s a time-sensitive link given to you in all of this! The Vigilante movie, sixty minutes which document the whole mess in Georgia with narration by Rosario Dawson, is available to watch FREE but ONLY THROUGH SUNDAY, JANUARY 1st! Then it won’t be streaming or for sale anywhere, so hop on it NOW at and always keep an eye on for the best insight into what is happening electorally.

Don’t miss this special episode – listen NOW for YOUR Cure for the Common Media and put 2022 to bed the way it deserves to be.

Colorblind Economics Episode Racism Science United States of America Whales White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 02/11/2022 – How the USA Doesn’t Realize it Is a Poor Country, Fin Whales Make a Return, How “Colorblindness” Is Racism, More

Here in the USA, we are very proud of ourselves as a nation, looking down on “third world” countries where the people face food insecurity, violence from corrupt or racist policing, mass homelessness… without realizing that what we are describing is also HERE. We find out what happened to bring us from the heights of a strong middle class to the point at which very few can truly make ends meet.

Then, in a heartwarming turn, thousands of Fin Whales have been spotted together in Antarctic waters – we’ll tell you why this is even better than it may seem on the surface. Finally, we look at how, because it’s not generally acceptable to be openly racist, the idea of being “colorblind” has spread far and wide. But this trend doesn’t actually help anything – indeed, it may lead to more racism. We discuss all this and more on TMI for Friday, February 11, 2022 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

BLM Cognition Colin Kaepernick Critical Race Theory CRT Defund the Police Episode George Floyd Police Brutality Policing Reform Science White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 10/15/2021 – Defund to Refund the Police, Kaepernick says “Abolish the Prisons”, Corvid Consciousness Confirmed

Last year, measures went nationwide to rein in the outlandish spending on municipal law enforcement (much of which embellished them with military-grade hardware). This attempt to slow the militarization of our local police forces, which tended to disproportionately affect black Americans, has since been quickly shuffled back into their budgets this year. We analyze why and what can be done as an alternative.

Then, Colin Kaepernick has a publishing company, and its first book discusses the history of the “Abolish the Prisons” movement. and how this idea needs to be re-examined now more than ever. Finally, we look at how scientists have been able to suss out what appears to be unmistakable evidence that crows and ravens possess sentient thought. All this and more on TMI for Friday, October 15, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media.

Best of TMI Board Games Colonialism COVID-19 Episode Paganism Puerto Rico Suicide Suicide Prevention Tribute White Supremacy Work from Home WSUM

TMI 08/06/2021 – A Tribute to the Passing of Peter Conover, Musician, Pagan, Friend; BEST OF: The Ethics of Forcing People to Work With the Unvaccinated, How Strategy Games Reinforce Colonialism

This week on TMI, your host, Aldous, has lost a friend of his to suicide. We pay tribute to Peter Conover, his inimitable music, his vision of connectedness, and we also acknowledge that, for those who take their own lives, they had to fight to remain here as long as they did. We share resources to help those still with us, still fighting. Then, for the two musical breaks, we play songs by Peter, in tribute to his spirit and his voice.

Needing to rest, your host replays two recent segments for the remaining episode time: First, we discuss the ethics of being told that not only MUST you return to the office, versus being able to work from home, but that you may be forced to do so in the company of folks who have refused vaccination against COVID. Is it right to force someone to choose between living indoors and staying healthy? Finally, we look at how strategy board games like Puerto Rico force their players to adopt the genocidal mindsets of colonists in order to succeed at their games. All this and much more on TMI for Friday, August 6, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Board Games Colonialism COVID-19 Episode Fish Fraud Mislabeled Fish Puerto Rico Subway Vaccination White Supremacy Work from Home WSUM

TMI 07/30/2021 – Fishy Fish – How Subway’s Tuna Scandal Isn’t the Only Seafood Fraud, The Ethics of Forcing People to Work With the Unvaccinated, How Strategy Games Reinforce Colonial White Supremacy

We’ve all heard of Subway’s infamous tunaless tuna sandwich by now – researchers discovered no tuna DNA in the meat of Subway’s famous offering, causing headlines across the country. What hasn’t been reported nearly as much as this is likely not even Subway’s fault: a staggeringly high amount of fish and seafood is being sold mislabeled. We explore the mystery of the fishy fish.

Then, we discuss the ethics of being told that not only MUST you return to the office, versus being able to work from home, but that you may be forced to do so in the company of folks who have refused vaccination against COVID. Is it right to force someone to choose between living indoors and staying healthy? Finally, we look at how strategy board games like Puerto Rico force their players to adopt the genocidal mindsets of colonists in order to succeed at their games. All this and much more on TMI for Friday, July 30, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Big Oil BLM Climate Corporate Malfeasance Derek Chauvin disinformation George Floyd Police Brutality Policing Reform Science White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 05/28/2021 – Policing by Race One Year After George Floyd, How To Think Creatively, ExxonMobil Forced to Go Greener

A full year after the murder of George Floyd by a sadistic police officer, we look at the state of policing in America by race: has it changed? What has been attempted in the meantime? How far do we have to go?

Then, there have been studies done on how creative thinking works: sure some are more talented than others, but there’s a definite skill to it, and that skill can be TAUGHT. Find out! Finally, Oil Giant ExxonMobil was forced by Engine No. 1, an activist hedge fund, to accept several environmentally friendly board members. All that and much more on TMI for Friday, May 28, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Election Integrity Episode Equality Homelessness House of Representatives SCOTUS Sociology White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 05/07/2021 – How Madison Can Cross the “Finnish” Line with the Homeless, How White Male Supreme Court Clerks Make a Less Representational Justice System, and How The House of Reps Needs More Reps

Madison, like many cities, struggles with how to solve its homelessness problem. Especially in the brutal Wisconsin winters, we don’t want people to freeze to death, but we need to be able to afford the solution. Finland knows a thing or two about Winter AND about homelessness, and their solution: make giving the homeless housing the FIRST thing you do, not third or fourth step down the line. While not cheap, it is far more affordable than any other approach, and actually STOPS homelessness.

Next, we look at the hoops one has to jump through to be a Clerk at the Supreme Court of the United States. These obstacles are making it more difficult for women and minorities to achieve this goal, and thus making the high court Judges and Justices that are often chosen from these clerkships more white and male. Finally, with the 2020 Census fully tabulated, we have the decennial struggle for which states will lose or gain seats in the House – but no one should be losing any, given that there’s no Constitutional reason to have the number of Representatives frozen. All that and more on TMI for Friday, May 7th, 2021! Listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

BLM Cannabis Legaliziation COVID-19 Derek Chauvin disinformation Episode Equality Fascism First Amendment George Floyd Mass Shootings Media National Guard Police Brutality Policing Reform Political Language Riot White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 04/23/2021 – George Floyd’s Murderer Faces Historic Verdict, BLM Protestors Falsely Arrested 90% of the Time, Ever’s Budget Legalizes Cannabis, Mass Shootings Begin Again

The Minneapolis Police Officer who murdered George Floyd, as captured on live video, (whose name I use as little as possible) faced a historic verdict as all three charges came down as Guilty. We examine just how unprecedented the verdict was and how that directly shows how deeply corrupted and harmful our current system of policing is.

Then, we investigate how, across the USA, BLM protestors were arrested without cause or evidence simply to create the false impression that the protests were unlawful and in need of such inhumane tactics as tear gas and rubber bullets. Then, we talk about Governor Evers’ budget for the State of Wisconsin which includes legalizing cannabis and reforming the troubled youth prison system. Finally we touch on the sad correlation between the ending of stay-at-home orders and the sudden return of mass shootings. All this and more on TMI for Friday April 23, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

COVID-19 Episode Joe Biden Kamala Harris Media Policing Reform Science Social Security Sociology Universal Health Care White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 02/05/2021 – Go Big with Carl Gibson, Ho-hum COVID disaster, ICE has gone rogue

Friend of the program Carl Gibson of​ joins us to discuss how the Democratic Congress and Presidency have an enormous opportunity to make a real difference… or, history shows, be destroyed. Also, Carl tells us how his recent stock purchase is going.

Next, we compare the horrific daily death totals for COVID-19 aren’t making us bat an eye, even as they stack up against and tower over other individual disastrous days in the history of America. We discuss why.

Finally, we review how ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) seems to be operating against orders at virtually every turn since Joe Biden took office, and what effect that is having on innocent lives. All that and more on TMI for Friday, February 5, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!