Best of TMI Board Games Colonialism COVID-19 Episode Paganism Puerto Rico Suicide Suicide Prevention Tribute White Supremacy Work from Home WSUM

TMI 08/06/2021 – A Tribute to the Passing of Peter Conover, Musician, Pagan, Friend; BEST OF: The Ethics of Forcing People to Work With the Unvaccinated, How Strategy Games Reinforce Colonialism

This week on TMI, your host, Aldous, has lost a friend of his to suicide. We pay tribute to Peter Conover, his inimitable music, his vision of connectedness, and we also acknowledge that, for those who take their own lives, they had to fight to remain here as long as they did. We share resources to help those still with us, still fighting. Then, for the two musical breaks, we play songs by Peter, in tribute to his spirit and his voice.

Needing to rest, your host replays two recent segments for the remaining episode time: First, we discuss the ethics of being told that not only MUST you return to the office, versus being able to work from home, but that you may be forced to do so in the company of folks who have refused vaccination against COVID. Is it right to force someone to choose between living indoors and staying healthy? Finally, we look at how strategy board games like Puerto Rico force their players to adopt the genocidal mindsets of colonists in order to succeed at their games. All this and much more on TMI for Friday, August 6, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Episode Mimi Soltysik Presidential Politics Socialism Tribute

TMI 07/06/2020 – A Tribute to Mimi Soltysik, Modern American Socialist Leader

This episode of TMI is devoted to a man I first met on Facebook over seven years ago. Co-chair and 2016 Presidential Candidate of the Socialist Party USA, he was a tireless champion of the people, and a seemingly endless resource for modern Socialism. Cancer took him just over a week ago. I felt compelled to pay tribute to a man who, though I never met in person, was the kind of person where that barely affected how much he was able to connect with you. Farewell, Emidio “Mimi” Soltysik. Rest in Peace. Rest in Power.