Antitrust Big Oil Big Pharma Climate Climate Lawsuits Cognition Conspiracy theories Democratic Party disinformation Donald Trump Drug Prices Electoral Politics Episode Fracking Jessica Wildfire Joan Hunter Iovino Kamala Harris Mental Health misinformation OK Doomer Presidential Politics Stress WSUM

TMI 07/26/2024 – Untangling Biden Stopping Re-election, A Look at Who Kamala Harris Is, Politically, Joan Hunter Iovino and Jessica Wildfire Provide Separate Insights on the Mental Health Crisis, more

This week on TMI, we get a thorough look at how Joe Biden stepped down from being the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party for President, as well as why. In an era where one incumbent president attempted a fascist coup to stay in office, it is a stark and welcome contrast to see another who will step aside willingly for the greater good.

Next, we take a dive into Kamala Harris’ political background and show what she’s fought for in the environment, monopoly and racial justice arenas. No small amount of what you’ve heard about her may be false. Finally, we have Joan Hunter Iovino and Jessica Wildfire contributing different-yet-compatible perspectives on how the “mental health crisis” we find ourselves in might be a sane reaction to insane times. All this and more on TMI for Friday, July 26, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Bill McKibben Climate Cognition Despair Donald Trump Endemic GOP JD Vance Leslie James Presidential Politics Republican National Convention RNC Science Taliban Uber Girl WSUM

TMI 07/19/2024 – Leslie James Assures You That You’re Not Alone in Having a Very Bad Day, J.D. Vance is a Harbinger of an Even Worse Future, The GOP is Worse Than the Taliban on the Climate Crisis, more

This week on TMI, Aldous reads a quick word by Leslie James – UBER Girl – on how one can have a very bad day and carry on, to let you know you are NOT alone. Next, we look at Trump’s pick for Vice President, J.D. Vance. If you haven’t heard of him, you’re in good company, but what should alarm you are those who’ve not only HEARD of Vance, but who are backing him to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of campaign contributions to Trump before November.

Then we check in with Bill McKibben’s breakdown of the GOP’s plan for the Climate Crisis and how even the Taliban Administration in Afghanistan has a BETTER plan. Finally, we take a quick peek on a recent discovery on how creative people process information. All this and more on TMI for Friday, July 19, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

25th Amendment Donald Trump Episode False Prophets Joe Biden Kamala Harris Leslie James Pauly Likens Predictions Presidential Politics Project 2025 Transgender Transphobia Uber Girl WSUM

TMI 07/12/2024 – Uber Girl’s Essay on False Prophets and the Murder of Pauly Likens, A Deep Dive Into the Future of President Biden’s Campaign for Re-election, more

TMI starts differently than usual, with Aldous reading you a short essay written by Leslie “Uber Girl” James on how, far too often, we find people using religion to control, to harm, to encourage others to hate. She masterfully delves into how these false prophets and their twisted agenda led directly to the brutal murder of 14 year old Pauly Likens, a child who was not protected by the loving God these men claim to represent.

Continuing the unusual episode, we then dive deeply into the legitimate issues surrounding the viability of President Joe Biden’s campaign to be re-elected in November. The solutions offered should only be used in desperate need, but how much more desperate a need is there than defeating Trump and Project 2025? All this and more on TMI for Friday, July 12, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

ACEP Attack Capitalism Capitol Building Attack Congress Conspiracy theories Corporate Malfeasance Donald Trump Election Integrity Emergency Room Episode ER Fascism GOP House of Representatives Insurrection January 6 National Guard Nazi Presidential Politics Proud Boys QAnon Riot Universal Health Care WSUM

TMI 10/29/2021 – Trump Administration and GOP Congressional Connections to Jan 6th Capitol Attack Confirmed, and how the ACEP Profiteers off of ER Visits

Rolling Stone published a blockbuster investigation that directly connects a number of GOP Congresspeople and the Trump Administration itself to the planning of the Capitol Attack of January 6th, 2021 – we go over the report in detail.

Then, if you wondered how Emergency Room visits get to be so expensive, a lobbying group called the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) have spent decades now twisting the regulations and then flouting even THOSE to make an illegal profit for the capitalists who back it. All that and much more on TMI for Friday, October 29, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Big Oil Climate Democratic Party Donald Trump Episode GOP Political Language Presidential Politics QAnon Texas WSUM

TMI 07/02/2021 – Bipartisanship is Ruining the Climate, Firsthand Report on 2021 Ohio Trump Rally, New Study Shows TX Grid Failure is DESPITE Renewable Energy, not FROM It

On this week’s TMI, we discuss how bipartisanship is being held up as more important than continuing to work on mitigating the disastrous effects of the climate crisis. We also air a first-hand report on the 2021 Trump rally in Lorain County, Ohio, and finally we examine a new study that illustrates how the collapse of Texas’ power grid was DESPITE the use of renewable energy types like solar and wind, not, as the right-wing media tried to claim, BECAUSE of them. All this and much more on TMI for Friday, July 2, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Amazon Billionaires Capitol Building Attack Conspiracy theories COVID-19 Democratic Party disinformation Donald Trump Election Integrity Episode Fascism Freedom of Speech Freedom of the Press George Floyd GOP January 6 Joe Biden Kamala Harris Media misinformation Mitch McConnell Presidential Politics QAnon union Universal Health Care

TMI 04/02/2021 – Amazon Fights Unionization, American Democracy Stressed by 2020 Election

As efforts by the workforce at Amazon’s Bessemer, Alabama facility to join the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union ramp up, Amazon has been engaging in dirty tactics to frighten, intimidate and bully their workers out of voting yes. While these tactics are used far too commonly nationwide against unions. Amazon was using their immense power to involve local police, the postal service and more.

Then, we examine how the tumultuous election of 2020 has strained the very structure of democracy here in the United States, and where these weak points can cause future trouble. All this and more on TMI for Friday April 2, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Attack Climate COVID-19 Election Integrity Episode Fascism Finite Worry Google Insurrection Media Presidential Politics Proud Boys Riot Sociology WSUM

TMI 01/08/2021 – How the Capitol Attack Reverberated Elsewhere, Does the Climate Have a Finite Pool of Worry, Google Gets a Union, and some Truths 2020 Left Us With

On today’s episode of TMI:

The attack on the Capitol Building, spurred by noneother than Donald Trump himself, was a day of disaster in DC, but had consequences that reached far further. A friend in Connecticut sends in her striking tale of how events that transpired for her that same day, many miles away, were phantoms of the brutal riot happening in Washington.

Next, we examine how a study over how concerned people are about the Climate Crisis was able to serendipitously discover if something as worrisome as the pandemic can crowd out Climate worry. It’s a test of the Finite Pool of Worry theory, be sure to listen in!

Then, Google has had a Union form within its ranks, but there’s something different and frankly revolutionary about it – find out what.

Finally, we see that 2020, harsh a year as it was, has left us with several gems of insight that we need to carry with us from now on. All that and more on TMI for Friday, January 8th, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Best of TMI Bill Barr Comparative Theology Donald Trump Election Integrity Episode Media Political Language Presidential Politics WSUM

TMI 12/11/2020 – BEST OF TMI: Barr Says No, The God of Einstein, and Unbiased Journalism Requires Truth

On this Best-of episode of TMI, Attorney General Bill Barr denies Trump’s allegations that there was any electoral or voter fraud sufficient to change the outcome of the Presidential Election – we discuss. Then, we talk about what kind of God was compatible with a great scientific mind like Einstein: specifically, the God outlined by Baruch Spinoza. It’s not the kind of God you’ll find preached about in almost any church in America, and is compatible with critical thinking, so check it out. Finally, we talk about how giving “both sides” equal time and attention has caused journalism to suffer, due to nothing beyond the fact that far too frequently, only one side is discussing facts (and too often, neither are). Don’t miss this episode of TMI for Friday, December 11, 2020 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Bill Barr Comparative Theology Donald Trump Election Integrity Episode Media Political Language Presidential Politics WSUM

TMI 12/04/2020 – Barr Says No, The God of Einstein, and Unbiased Journalism Requires Truth

On today’s TMI, Attorney General Bill Barr denies Trump’s allegations that there was any electoral or voter fraud sufficient to change the outcome of the Presidential Election – we discuss. Then, we talk about what kind of God was compatible with a great scientific mind like Einstein: specifically, the God outlined by Baruch Spinoza. It’s not the kind of God you’ll find preached about in almost any church in America, and is compatible with critical thinking, so check it out. Finally, we talk about how giving “both sides” equal time and attention has caused journalism to suffer, due to nothing beyond the fact that far too frequently, only one side is discussing facts (and too often, neither are). Don’t miss this episode of TMI for Friday, December 4, 2020 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Cognition COVID-19 Donald Trump Election Integrity Episode Equality Joe Biden Mental Health Presidential Politics Science Social Security WSUM

TMI 11/20/2020 – Misplaced Blame, COVID Helpline, Brain Fog and Biden Isn’t Enough

With the 2020 election in the rear-view mirror, it was alarming to see minorities of various kinds being blamed for how close it got in many states between Trump and Biden, as well as for the Senate losses that had been predicted to go the other way. We dissect this, and show just how distorted this kind of blame is, and where it actually belongs.

Then, I go over a new COVID-19 hotline for the city of Madison, one that helps people navigate the financial difficulties the pandemic has wrought. Next, we discuss an alarming symptom of the pandemic that is only now being properly studied: cognitive impairment or “brain fog”. Finally, we go over just how tough a fight we have ahead of us, as Joe Biden’s history shows him to be ill-equipped to handle this moment in history. That means we’ll have to be prepared to make as many end-runs around him and his administration as we can to get things done. All this and more on TMI for Friday, November 20, 2020 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!