Antitrust Big Oil Big Pharma Climate Climate Lawsuits Cognition Conspiracy theories Democratic Party disinformation Donald Trump Drug Prices Electoral Politics Episode Fracking Jessica Wildfire Joan Hunter Iovino Kamala Harris Mental Health misinformation OK Doomer Presidential Politics Stress WSUM

TMI 07/26/2024 – Untangling Biden Stopping Re-election, A Look at Who Kamala Harris Is, Politically, Joan Hunter Iovino and Jessica Wildfire Provide Separate Insights on the Mental Health Crisis, more

This week on TMI, we get a thorough look at how Joe Biden stepped down from being the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party for President, as well as why. In an era where one incumbent president attempted a fascist coup to stay in office, it is a stark and welcome contrast to see another who will step aside willingly for the greater good.

Next, we take a dive into Kamala Harris’ political background and show what she’s fought for in the environment, monopoly and racial justice arenas. No small amount of what you’ve heard about her may be false. Finally, we have Joan Hunter Iovino and Jessica Wildfire contributing different-yet-compatible perspectives on how the “mental health crisis” we find ourselves in might be a sane reaction to insane times. All this and more on TMI for Friday, July 26, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Bill McKibben Climate Cognition Despair Donald Trump Endemic GOP JD Vance Leslie James Presidential Politics Republican National Convention RNC Science Taliban Uber Girl WSUM

TMI 07/19/2024 – Leslie James Assures You That You’re Not Alone in Having a Very Bad Day, J.D. Vance is a Harbinger of an Even Worse Future, The GOP is Worse Than the Taliban on the Climate Crisis, more

This week on TMI, Aldous reads a quick word by Leslie James – UBER Girl – on how one can have a very bad day and carry on, to let you know you are NOT alone. Next, we look at Trump’s pick for Vice President, J.D. Vance. If you haven’t heard of him, you’re in good company, but what should alarm you are those who’ve not only HEARD of Vance, but who are backing him to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of campaign contributions to Trump before November.

Then we check in with Bill McKibben’s breakdown of the GOP’s plan for the Climate Crisis and how even the Taliban Administration in Afghanistan has a BETTER plan. Finally, we take a quick peek on a recent discovery on how creative people process information. All this and more on TMI for Friday, July 19, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

25th Amendment Donald Trump Episode False Prophets Joe Biden Kamala Harris Leslie James Pauly Likens Predictions Presidential Politics Project 2025 Transgender Transphobia Uber Girl WSUM

TMI 07/12/2024 – Uber Girl’s Essay on False Prophets and the Murder of Pauly Likens, A Deep Dive Into the Future of President Biden’s Campaign for Re-election, more

TMI starts differently than usual, with Aldous reading you a short essay written by Leslie “Uber Girl” James on how, far too often, we find people using religion to control, to harm, to encourage others to hate. She masterfully delves into how these false prophets and their twisted agenda led directly to the brutal murder of 14 year old Pauly Likens, a child who was not protected by the loving God these men claim to represent.

Continuing the unusual episode, we then dive deeply into the legitimate issues surrounding the viability of President Joe Biden’s campaign to be re-elected in November. The solutions offered should only be used in desperate need, but how much more desperate a need is there than defeating Trump and Project 2025? All this and more on TMI for Friday, July 12, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Chevron Doctrine Christian Nationalism Christofascism Donald Trump Elena Kagan Episode Presidential Immunity SCOTUS Sonia Sotomayor Trump v. United States WSUM

TMI 07/06/2024 @ 4pm Central – SPECIAL DAY/TIME – SCOTUS’ Trump v. United States Takes Presidency Above the Law, Justice Kagan Dissents on Death of Chevron Doctrine, LA, TX and OK Place Christianity Into Public Schools at Once, more

On this week’s “TMI with Aldous Tyler”, we kick off with a discussion on SCOTUS’ July 1 ruling on Trump v. United States. This landmark ruling, which grants presidents immunity from prosecution when carrying out “official acts”, has sparked a nationwide debate about the extent of presidential power, coming from sources as close as Justice Sotomayor.

Next, we’ll delve into Justice Elena Kagan’s dissent on the death of the Chevron Doctrine. Kagan’s scathing critique of her conservative colleagues, whom she accuses of a power grab, has sent ripples through the judicial community. Finally, we’ll examine the controversial decisions by Louisiana, Texas, and Oklahoma to incorporate Christianity into their public schools. These states’ moves to bring religion into the classroom have ignited a fiery debate about the separation of church and state. All this and more on TMI airing at a special day and time: Saturday, July 06, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Climate Donald Trump Electric Vehicles Eli Pariser Episode Facebook Filter Bubble Google Joe Biden PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Project 2025 Social Media Sociology WSUM

TMI 12/15/2023 – Is the Filter Bubble the Wrong Mechanism to Explain Social Media Toxicity?, How Trump’s Project 2025 is a Next Level Disaster for the Climate and more

We’ve reported here on TMI on Eli Pariser’s “Filter Bubble” concept since its debut in 2010 at his Ted talk: the idea that Google was selectively feeding results back to the user that the user agreed with, making it so that one person’s search results were often vastly different than another’s. Mr Pariser pointed out that by putting us all in these Filter Bubbles, we couldn’t agree on what was even factual. A new article published in the PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) journal, however, says that is all wrong when applied to social media giants like Facebook, where they aim to increase your focus and time spent there by enhancing the chance of you getting made angry by what you see. We examine these competing concepts.

Then, we go over how the media is gleefully playing up any and all minutiae of Trump’s intentions for his second term except for one key part: how the Project 2025 plan that he’s assimilated is catastrophic for any chance we have to keep the environment from completely collapsing.

Finally, we present an update to a story we went over a few weeks back, putting a spotlight on how the EV infrastructure promised by Biden’s funding in 2021 is FINALLY starting to come to fruition. All this and more on TMI for Friday, December 15, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Denver Donald Trump Episode Fascism Federal Communications Commission Homelessness Housing Crisis Nutritional Decline Space Junk Universal Basic Income WSUM

TMI 10/13/2023 – Denver’s Basic Income Experiment Shows Remarkable Results, Analysis of Fascism From 1939 Overlays Perfectly on Trump, Plants Have Lost Nutritional Value Over Past 50 Years, First Space Junk Fine and more

It’s Friday the 13th, but even more terrifying is the prospect of being homeless in the USA – but there are real solutions being researched, finally! Denver, Colorado has been testing the actual impact of cash payments with no strings attached, and the results show a true way forward.

Next, an analysis of how fascism can be nurtured and grown from eighty years ago just so happens to perfectly encapsulate Trump’s entire strategy, and paints a dark view of the coming election year if we aren’t careful. Then we look at how fruits and vegetables have lost nutritional value over the years, and find out exactly what the culprits are. Finally, we note that the FCC has issued the first ever fine to a corporation for “space junk”. All this and more on TMI for Friday, October 13, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Barack Obama Barbie Climate Climate Lawsuits Department of Justice Donald Trump Episode Feminism Greta Gerwig Joe Biden Male Liberation Masks Toxic Masculinity WSUM

TMI 09/01/2023 – BEST OF TMI – Barbie is About Liberation For All!; “There’s No Right to a Sustainable Climate”; Be Alarmed by “Don’t Panic” People; Masking is a Right and more


Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” movie has been maligned since it debuted as being a film that is full of hate for men. We note that this distortion is from an inability to see the real message the film sends to men everywhere: be free to be who YOU are. Could it be that the key to a better world starts with you? Find out.

Next, we look at the national version of the climate lawsuit that won its right to its day in court in Montana. Filed during the Obama Administration, that DOJ as well as Trump’s and Bidens have all said the same thing: you have no right to a sustainable climate. Then, we look at the growing problem of those who use the “don’t panic” motto until the problem is too big to be ignored, and often too late to be. Finally, we go over how, thanks to airborne diseases, you always have a right to wear a mask. All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 25, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Barack Obama Barbie Climate Climate Lawsuits Department of Justice Donald Trump Episode Feminism Greta Gerwig Joe Biden Male Liberation Masks Toxic Masculinity WSUM

TMI 08/25/2023 – Barbie is About Liberation For Women… and Men!; Obama, Trump and Biden: “There’s No Right to a Sustainable Climate”; Be Alarmed by “Don’t Panic” People; Masking is a Right and more

Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” movie has been maligned since it debuted as being a film that is full of hate for men. We note that this distortion is from an inability to see the real message the film sends to men everywhere: be free to be who YOU are. Could it be that the key to a better world starts with you? Find out.

Next, we look at the national version of the climate lawsuit that won its right to its day in court in Montana. Filed during the Obama Administration, that DOJ as well as Trump’s and Bidens have all said the same thing: you have no right to a sustainable climate. Then, we look at the growing problem of those who use the “don’t panic” motto until the problem is too big to be ignored, and often too late to be. Finally, we go over how, thanks to airborne diseases, you always have a right to wear a mask. All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 25, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

College Towns Democratic Party disinformation Donald Trump Election Integrity Electoral Politics Episode Gary Johnson GOP Green Party Hillary Clinton Jill Stein Libertarian Party Wisconsin WSUM

TMI 07/28/2023 – College Towns and Counties Accross America Challenge the GOP at the Ballot Box, How Third Parties Do Not “Spoil” Dem or GOP Campaigns, and more

From beautiful Madison, Wisconsin to Asheville, North Carolina to Austin, Texas and far, far more, “college towns” have become the terror of the GOP in statewide elections, often compensating for the remainder of their states’ votes and then some. We explore how dramatically the tide has turned since just the year 2000, and what this points to from here.

Then, we take aim at the myth of third party candidates spoiling major party electoral campaigns. When you look at the numbers – ALL of the numbers that apply to the situation – you can see clearly that blaming candidates like Jill Stein for Hillary Clinton’s loss makes absolutely no sense. All this and more on TMI for Friday, July 28, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Classified documents Donald Trump Episode Mar-a-Lago OceanGate schadenfreude Titan Titanic WSUM

TMI 06/30/2023 – Why the Left is Cheering the Titan Disaster, Trumps Audio Recording Destroys Every Defense He’s Used, We Are Doomed Without Vaccinations and more

There’s an irritation among some on the political left over just how prevalent the schadenfreude is among their cohorts regarding the Titan submersible disaster that saw five members of the billionaire class die via their own hubris while on the way to see the Titanic. We examine why the irritation exists, and why so many found joy in the death of the Titan five in the deep.

Then, the audio recording of Donald Trump showing unauthorized people classified documents is damning, so we play the two minutes of audio and then go over how, point by point, it entirely destroys each and every excuse he has ever used for the classified document case he finds himself in. Finally, we show how the idea that humanity “has lived with disease for centuries” is simply the worst take one could ever have. All this and more on TMI for Friday, June 30, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!