BLM Episode Equality George Floyd LGBTQ+ Presidential Politics WSUM

TMI 08/07/2020 – Labelled as Human, March Against Biden and Amnesty Int’l Dings Us


If you feel that no label has quite fit how you feel about your gender or sexual identity, we run through over 30 that are custom made BY and FOR the people they describe. Listen and feel reconnected to humanity.

Then we talk to Preston Scott Smith of the March Against Biden, an event happening in over 20 locations tomorrow, August 8th and again a week later on August 15th, as well as virtual events. It’s not a pro-Trump event AT ALL – it BEGS the DNC to do something different in order to actually DEFEAT Trump. Check out the interview!

Finally, we talk about how Amnesty International has dinged a nation very familiar to you with well over 100 human rights violations in a span of under two weeks, and how that adds to the woes being faced at getting an important segment of the vote ready for November.

All that and more was on TMI for Friday, August 7, 2020, at 5PM Central on 91.7FM WSUM in Madison and streamed at EVERYWHERE.

Here’s the full episode – listen now:

Barbara Crabb Devin Gatton Episode KeystoneXL LGBTQ+ Log Cabin Republicans Same Sex Marriage Steve Horn Terrorism WSUM

TMI 6/07/2014 – The Wave of Equality with Devin Gatton, the Mistaken Surveillance with Steve Horn and More!

U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb in Madison on Friday overturned Wisconsin’s same-sex marriage ban, striking down an amendment to the state constitution approved overwhelmingly by voters in 2006 and prompting an emergency action by the state to halt the scores of weddings that began in the state’s two largest cities. Devin Gatton of Wisconsin’s Log Cabin Republicans joins us to discuss and show that there are things we can agree just need to happen, no matter our affiliation.

Then, Steve Horn returns to discuss how the government has been keeping anti-Keystone XL activists under close watch as suspected “terrorists”, while a military commander warns us that the threat real terrorists pose to our oil pipelines is going mostly ignored. Steve has also just concluded a three part investigation into Retired General David Petraeus’ dealings with North Dakota, forcing a public official to admit that obviously corrupt practices were just “business as usual”.

All that and more on TMI for Saturday, June 7th 2014, airing live at noon Central on WSUM FM, 91.7 in Madison or everywhere! Tune in for YOUR cure for the common media!