Abortion Episode Equality Freedom of the Press Hacking misinformation Roe v. Wade Starbucks union WSUM

TMI 02/25/2022 – View Source is Hacking, Right to Abortion is About Black Equality, Starbucks Loses Another Union Battle, More

The State of Missouri was badly embarrassed when a journalist discovered that the private details of thousands of Missouri teachers (including Social Security Numbers) was publicly accessible via the HTML code of a Missouri website, using the simple tool called “View Source” – this led to the journalist being labeled a “hacker” by the Governor. We discuss what happened in this gross misuse of political pressure.

Next, we talk about how, for white women the right to have an abortion was ruled in favor of medical “privacy”, making the legal grounds for it shaky and leaving out the number one factor that made it important to black women: equality. Finally, we give a briefing on how Starbucks has found itself on the losing end of another part of its employees’ push for union representation. All this and much more on TMI for Friday, February 25, 2022 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Astronomy Big Oil Billionaires Capitalism Climate Corporate Malfeasance Dave Black disinformation Drought Episode Media misinformation NOAA Political Language Science Space WSUM

TMI 02/18/2022 – Dave Black Passes, Southwest Megadrought, How PR Has Gaslit Us All on the Environment, Supercomputer Successfully Simulates Entire Universe, More

Dave Black, founder of WSUM here in Madison, Wisconsin, and one of the key people who helped get TMI on the airwaves, has died less than one year after his retirement. While we shall spend most of this episode on other topics, I refused to go further without honoring the passing of this dedicated media visionary. Thank you for humoring me.

Then, we talk about the dry facts surrounding the drought the southwest United States has been suffering though, including how it can be considered the worst in recorded history by several measures. Next, we examine how the very framework we use on a daily basis to talk about environmental issues has been corrupted for over 50 years now to shift as much of the blame away from corporate responsibility as possible. Finally, we briefly go over how for the first time, computer modeling has been able to successfully simulate the universe from the Big Bang through to its present state. All this and much more on TMI for Friday, February 18, 2022 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Colorblind Economics Episode Racism Science United States of America Whales White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 02/11/2022 – How the USA Doesn’t Realize it Is a Poor Country, Fin Whales Make a Return, How “Colorblindness” Is Racism, More

Here in the USA, we are very proud of ourselves as a nation, looking down on “third world” countries where the people face food insecurity, violence from corrupt or racist policing, mass homelessness… without realizing that what we are describing is also HERE. We find out what happened to bring us from the heights of a strong middle class to the point at which very few can truly make ends meet.

Then, in a heartwarming turn, thousands of Fin Whales have been spotted together in Antarctic waters – we’ll tell you why this is even better than it may seem on the surface. Finally, we look at how, because it’s not generally acceptable to be openly racist, the idea of being “colorblind” has spread far and wide. But this trend doesn’t actually help anything – indeed, it may lead to more racism. We discuss all this and more on TMI for Friday, February 11, 2022 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Billionaires Blue Origin Elon Musk Episode Free Jeff Bezos Josh Wardle Mars Migration New York Times Space SpaceX Wordle WSUM

TMI 02/04/2022 – Wordle Wants to be Free, Reign of the Space Lords, More

From its origins just a few months ago until now, Wordle has become the simple little online game that took over many people’s Facebook newsfeeds and more – just in time for the New York Times to swoop in and buy it from Josh Wardle. Oh, the NYT promises it will remain free… for an introductory period. Mr. Wardle couldn’t rightly turn down the money thrown at him, but wonders why we can’t just have nice free things? Turns out you can – we explain how.

Then, once the domain of governmental achievement, the space race has become the realm of – and plaything of – the hyper-wealthy. These “space lords” all have flowery language to describe their visions of the future, but a quick look at their own past and present shows that we may not enjoy the actual outcomes that result from their designs. We discuss all this and much more on TMI for Friday, February 4, 2022 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!