Antitrust Big Oil Big Pharma Climate Climate Lawsuits Cognition Conspiracy theories Democratic Party disinformation Donald Trump Drug Prices Electoral Politics Episode Fracking Jessica Wildfire Joan Hunter Iovino Kamala Harris Mental Health misinformation OK Doomer Presidential Politics Stress WSUM

TMI 07/26/2024 – Untangling Biden Stopping Re-election, A Look at Who Kamala Harris Is, Politically, Joan Hunter Iovino and Jessica Wildfire Provide Separate Insights on the Mental Health Crisis, more

This week on TMI, we get a thorough look at how Joe Biden stepped down from being the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party for President, as well as why. In an era where one incumbent president attempted a fascist coup to stay in office, it is a stark and welcome contrast to see another who will step aside willingly for the greater good.

Next, we take a dive into Kamala Harris’ political background and show what she’s fought for in the environment, monopoly and racial justice arenas. No small amount of what you’ve heard about her may be false. Finally, we have Joan Hunter Iovino and Jessica Wildfire contributing different-yet-compatible perspectives on how the “mental health crisis” we find ourselves in might be a sane reaction to insane times. All this and more on TMI for Friday, July 26, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Alexei Navalny Antarctica Anthropocene Astrolabe Climate disinformation Electric Vehicles Episode Glaciers Islamic Golden Age Mitch McConnell Science Wall Street Journal WSUM

TMI 03/08/2024 – WSJ Op-Ed Lies About Electric Cars Polluting Worse Than Gasoline-powered Cars, New Speed Record Broken in Glacial Fracturing in Antarctica, New Anthropocene Epoch Fails Vote and more

A recent Wall Street Journal op-ed falsely claims that electric cars pollute worse than their gasoline-powered counterparts, comparing incomparable metrics to come with their their supposed data. Meanwhile, amidst the frozen expanses of Antarctica, a chilling new speed record is set in glacial fracturing, highlighting the alarming pace of climate change. This harrowing event serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for global action to address environmental degradation and preserve our planet’s delicate ecosystems.

Keeping focus on the realm of geology and human impact, we return to the ambitious effort to classify a new Anthropocene Epoch, only to find unexpected obstacles when the initiative faces a vote. Despite mounting evidence of humanity’s profound influence on Earth’s geological processes, the classification effort stalls, thanks to the complexities of scientific consensus. Then, Mike McCabe provides insight into the contrasting displays of courage exhibited by political figures like Mitch McConnell and Alexei Navalny, underscoring the moral imperatives within political leadership.

Finally, we wrap up with a fascinating historical discovery, uncovering a thousand-year-old astrolabe that reveals evidence of knowledge exchange between Muslim and Jewish scientists, offering a glimpse into the enduring legacy of intellectual collaboration across cultural boundaries. All this and more on TMI for Friday, March 08, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

disinformation Election Integrity Episode Media misinformation Palestine Peter B. Collins Ukraine Vladimir Putin WSUM YouTube

TMI 02/02/2024 – Interview with Peter B. Collins on the State of the Media (Including YouTube) : How It Is Failing to Present the Truth and more

On this episode, we welcome back Peter B. Collins, legendary talk radio host and media analyst, who goes over the state of the media that we are contending with in reporting on such topics as real voter suppression (NOT the MAGA “Stop the Steal” nonsense, which YouTube refuses to recognize is different), the war started by Putin in Ukraine, the continued genocide in Palestine that began well before October of 2023, and much, much more. Peter’s own podcast archives have a true wealth of well-researched and sourced information at and we invite you to inform and enrich yourself by partaking of the bounty!

All this and more on TMI for Friday, February 02, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Big Oil COVID-19 disinformation Episode Feminism Gender Illinois Petroleum Resource Board IPRB Kanter's Law Marketing misinformation OERB Oklahoma Energy Resources Board WSUM

TMI 01/26/2024 – Big Oil Uses IPRB to Miseducate Students, Data Combats the Myth of the Female Shopaholic, Kanter’s Law Gives Hope on the COVID Pandemic and more

The Illinois Petroleum Resource Board (IPRB) has been a gas tax-funded education and outreach program for 25 years, with a particular aim of providing science curriculum and professional development workshops for Illinois teachers. Nevermind that the information given is solely focused on making Big Oil look absolutely indispensable to the future of civilization, or even that Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas have similar petroleum-focused “educational” programs – that under-the-radar status is just what the IPRB likes. We expose them.

Then, we look at the culturally-pervasive myth of the “female shopaholic” and explore how the data and cultural context doesn’t back up this sexist trope at all. Finally, we show how the management concept of Kanter’s Law shows some hope for the ongoing COVID epidemic. All this and more on TMI for Friday, January 26, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Climate disinformation Episode Ford General Motors Greece Jennifer Granholm Libya Medicane NBC Stellantis Stormy Daniels UAW union United Auto Workers WSUM

TMI 09/15/2023 – Reining In the Anti-Union Media for the UAW, “Medicane” Daniel Tears Apart Greece and Libya, Secretary Granholm Experiences the Pioneering Pains of EV Travel and more

TMI with Aldous Tyler‘s entire mission is to be The Cure for the Common Media, and nowhere is that more necessary than with the coverage of union disputes. The UAW’s upcoming strike is being presented only in terms of how bad it is going to make things for “the consumer”, and when you realize the conflicts of interest these media giants have, being beholden to giant as campaigns from the auto manufacturers, it’s no big mystery why. Find out what to be wary of, to inoculate yourself against the corporate propaganda.

Then, we show how the climate crisis is impacting the Mediterranean, with Storm Daniel laying waste to a large swath of Greece and an even larger swath of Libya, all in the span of one week. Finally, we see how the lack of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles makes using them for “road trip” travel dicey – even for the Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm! All this and more on TMI for Friday, September 15, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

College Towns Democratic Party disinformation Donald Trump Election Integrity Electoral Politics Episode Gary Johnson GOP Green Party Hillary Clinton Jill Stein Libertarian Party Wisconsin WSUM

TMI 07/28/2023 – College Towns and Counties Accross America Challenge the GOP at the Ballot Box, How Third Parties Do Not “Spoil” Dem or GOP Campaigns, and more

From beautiful Madison, Wisconsin to Asheville, North Carolina to Austin, Texas and far, far more, “college towns” have become the terror of the GOP in statewide elections, often compensating for the remainder of their states’ votes and then some. We explore how dramatically the tide has turned since just the year 2000, and what this points to from here.

Then, we take aim at the myth of third party candidates spoiling major party electoral campaigns. When you look at the numbers – ALL of the numbers that apply to the situation – you can see clearly that blaming candidates like Jill Stein for Hillary Clinton’s loss makes absolutely no sense. All this and more on TMI for Friday, July 28, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Amazon Capitalism Corporate Malfeasance disinformation Economics Episode Fascism Jessica Wildfire Media Minnesota misinformation Obstruction Sociology Wall Street WSUM

TMI 06/09/2023 – “I Wonder What the Poor Folks Are Eating” by Jessica Wildfire, How Monopolies Get Their Way By Throwing Tantrums

Insightful author Jessica Wildfire writes this week about how we Americans ave been systematically shamed out of admitting when we are poor and need help. With her permission, I share “I Wonder What the Poor Folks Are Eating” from her Substack, a piece that details exactly how we’ve been led to try and show gratitude for being ripped off, and never, ever ask for help.

Then we go over the recent increase in monopolistic corporations throwing temper tantrums to get their way when we throw regulations at them that they find inexcusably bad… for their engorged profit margins. All this and more on TMI for Friday, June 9, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Brad Raffensperger Brian Kemp disinformation Election Integrity Episode Georgia GOP Greg Palast Herschel Walker Media misinformation New York Times Racism Raphael Warnock Ron Johnson Rosario Dawson White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 12/30/2022 – Greg Palast’s “Vigilante” Blows the Doors off False “Record Turnout” Claim in Georgia!

Veteran Investigative Journalist Greg Palast joins us to discuss how the media repeated (not reported on) the lie fed them by Georgia’s Brad Raffensperger. What lie? That the runoff election had “record turnout” when that last runoff just two years ago had ONE MILLION MORE VOTES. He and I even do the EASY math for you here and lay it all out, not only the ramifications for Georgia, but the rest of the nation! It you can’t tune in at 5:00pm Central to WSUM 91.7FM to catch this episode then LISTEN NOW: there’s a time-sensitive link given to you in all of this! The Vigilante movie, sixty minutes which document the whole mess in Georgia with narration by Rosario Dawson, is available to watch FREE but ONLY THROUGH SUNDAY, JANUARY 1st! Then it won’t be streaming or for sale anywhere, so hop on it NOW at and always keep an eye on for the best insight into what is happening electorally.

Don’t miss this special episode – listen NOW for YOUR Cure for the Common Media and put 2022 to bed the way it deserves to be.

Astronomy Big Oil Billionaires Capitalism Climate Corporate Malfeasance Dave Black disinformation Drought Episode Media misinformation NOAA Political Language Science Space WSUM

TMI 02/18/2022 – Dave Black Passes, Southwest Megadrought, How PR Has Gaslit Us All on the Environment, Supercomputer Successfully Simulates Entire Universe, More

Dave Black, founder of WSUM here in Madison, Wisconsin, and one of the key people who helped get TMI on the airwaves, has died less than one year after his retirement. While we shall spend most of this episode on other topics, I refused to go further without honoring the passing of this dedicated media visionary. Thank you for humoring me.

Then, we talk about the dry facts surrounding the drought the southwest United States has been suffering though, including how it can be considered the worst in recorded history by several measures. Next, we examine how the very framework we use on a daily basis to talk about environmental issues has been corrupted for over 50 years now to shift as much of the blame away from corporate responsibility as possible. Finally, we briefly go over how for the first time, computer modeling has been able to successfully simulate the universe from the Big Bang through to its present state. All this and much more on TMI for Friday, February 18, 2022 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Astronomy Billionaires Build Back Better Act COVID-19 Democratic Party disinformation Episode Joe Biden Joe Manchin Koch Kyrsten Sinema Obstruction Rotating Villains WSUM

TMI 12/24/2021 – Build Back Better Busted by Big Bad Bureaucrats, Universal Expansion Outpaces Previous Predictions, Koch Hijacks COVID Conversations, More

Right on cue, Senators Sinema and Manchin show President Biden that his supposed ability to know how to get things done in DC is sorely outdated, as his Build Back Better bill gets halted by the latest rotating villains in the Democratic Party. Then, astrophysicists were pretty dang certain they had a firm grasp on how fast the universe was expanding, until new recalculations show the cosmos spreading apart at a rate previously unheard of. Finally, there may be only one Koch brother left alive, but he and his money have been poured into higher education – not a good thing when the goal of these funds is to set up think tanks designed to show that lockdowns, social distancing, masking and more were “a debacle”. All this and more on TMI for Friday, December 24, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!