Big Oil COVID-19 disinformation Episode Feminism Gender Illinois Petroleum Resource Board IPRB Kanter's Law Marketing misinformation OERB Oklahoma Energy Resources Board WSUM

TMI 01/26/2024 – Big Oil Uses IPRB to Miseducate Students, Data Combats the Myth of the Female Shopaholic, Kanter’s Law Gives Hope on the COVID Pandemic and more

The Illinois Petroleum Resource Board (IPRB) has been a gas tax-funded education and outreach program for 25 years, with a particular aim of providing science curriculum and professional development workshops for Illinois teachers. Nevermind that the information given is solely focused on making Big Oil look absolutely indispensable to the future of civilization, or even that Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas have similar petroleum-focused “educational” programs – that under-the-radar status is just what the IPRB likes. We expose them.

Then, we look at the culturally-pervasive myth of the “female shopaholic” and explore how the data and cultural context doesn’t back up this sexist trope at all. Finally, we show how the management concept of Kanter’s Law shows some hope for the ongoing COVID epidemic. All this and more on TMI for Friday, January 26, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Barack Obama Barbie Climate Climate Lawsuits Department of Justice Donald Trump Episode Feminism Greta Gerwig Joe Biden Male Liberation Masks Toxic Masculinity WSUM

TMI 09/01/2023 – BEST OF TMI – Barbie is About Liberation For All!; “There’s No Right to a Sustainable Climate”; Be Alarmed by “Don’t Panic” People; Masking is a Right and more


Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” movie has been maligned since it debuted as being a film that is full of hate for men. We note that this distortion is from an inability to see the real message the film sends to men everywhere: be free to be who YOU are. Could it be that the key to a better world starts with you? Find out.

Next, we look at the national version of the climate lawsuit that won its right to its day in court in Montana. Filed during the Obama Administration, that DOJ as well as Trump’s and Bidens have all said the same thing: you have no right to a sustainable climate. Then, we look at the growing problem of those who use the “don’t panic” motto until the problem is too big to be ignored, and often too late to be. Finally, we go over how, thanks to airborne diseases, you always have a right to wear a mask. All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 25, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Barack Obama Barbie Climate Climate Lawsuits Department of Justice Donald Trump Episode Feminism Greta Gerwig Joe Biden Male Liberation Masks Toxic Masculinity WSUM

TMI 08/25/2023 – Barbie is About Liberation For Women… and Men!; Obama, Trump and Biden: “There’s No Right to a Sustainable Climate”; Be Alarmed by “Don’t Panic” People; Masking is a Right and more

Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” movie has been maligned since it debuted as being a film that is full of hate for men. We note that this distortion is from an inability to see the real message the film sends to men everywhere: be free to be who YOU are. Could it be that the key to a better world starts with you? Find out.

Next, we look at the national version of the climate lawsuit that won its right to its day in court in Montana. Filed during the Obama Administration, that DOJ as well as Trump’s and Bidens have all said the same thing: you have no right to a sustainable climate. Then, we look at the growing problem of those who use the “don’t panic” motto until the problem is too big to be ignored, and often too late to be. Finally, we go over how, thanks to airborne diseases, you always have a right to wear a mask. All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 25, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Climate Department of Education Episode Feminism Student Debt Relief Traditional Roles Wealth Building WSUM

TMI 04/22/2022 – Avoiding the 2°C Threshold, Traditional Roles Hold Stop Women from Building Wealth, Dept. of Education Reworking Income-Driven Repayment Plans

It’s widely accepted that if we allow the globe to reach an average of 2°C warmer than pre-industrial levels, absolute chaos will be unleashed – we discuss how difficult it is looking like it will be to keep from hitting that threshold. Then: for years women were told that the best way to be financially stable was to find a “provider” husband who would bring in all the wealth they need. Studies are now showing how this dependency has kept women from building the wealth they need to be seen as equals financially. Finally, we go over how the US Department of Education is planning to re-work the highly flawed income-driven repayment system, so that once payments for student loans are restored, they don’t immediately put everyone back where they started. All this and more on TMI for Friday, April 22, 2022 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!