Barack Obama Barbie Climate Climate Lawsuits Department of Justice Donald Trump Episode Feminism Greta Gerwig Joe Biden Male Liberation Masks Toxic Masculinity WSUM

TMI 08/25/2023 – Barbie is About Liberation For Women… and Men!; Obama, Trump and Biden: “There’s No Right to a Sustainable Climate”; Be Alarmed by “Don’t Panic” People; Masking is a Right and more

Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” movie has been maligned since it debuted as being a film that is full of hate for men. We note that this distortion is from an inability to see the real message the film sends to men everywhere: be free to be who YOU are. Could it be that the key to a better world starts with you? Find out.

Next, we look at the national version of the climate lawsuit that won its right to its day in court in Montana. Filed during the Obama Administration, that DOJ as well as Trump’s and Bidens have all said the same thing: you have no right to a sustainable climate. Then, we look at the growing problem of those who use the “don’t panic” motto until the problem is too big to be ignored, and often too late to be. Finally, we go over how, thanks to airborne diseases, you always have a right to wear a mask. All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 25, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Bidenomics Billionaires Climate Climate Lawsuits Climate Reparations Democratic Party Electoral Politics Episode Eruption Health Insurance Medical Marijuana Montana Tonga WSUM

TMI 08/18/2023 – How Betting the Campaign on “Bidenomics” is a Mistake, Montana Agrees It Owes Its Youth for Their Climate Future, Medical Marijuana Lowers Premiums and more

The re-election campaign of President Joe Biden is all in on “Bidenomics” as the core acheivement of the President’s first four years, and that’s backed up by macro-economic indicators. However, that’s only true because the AVERAGE economic outlook has been imporvaed only by how much STAGGERINGLY better the billionaires are doing – most of the rest of us aren’t feeling it.

Then, we look at how last year’s eruption in Tonga is adding to the human-made climate crisis and how Montana’s courts are agreeing with young climate activists: the state OWES them a better climate future.

Finally, we look at how studies are showing the opposite of the doomsayers’ predictions about medical marijuana – it is LOWERING health insurance premiums in those states that have it! All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 18, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Antarctica Climate Conspiracy theories Episode Food Security Homelessness Houston Trust WSUM

TMI 08/11/2023 – The Core of Conspiracy Theories Isn’t Entirely Wrong, How Building Communal Trust Can Help Us Cope With the Climate Crisis, Fighting to Feed the Homeless in Houston and more

Conspiracy theories are everywhere lately, and we look at the fundamental core underlying them all to see that THAT, at least, appears to be valid. Then, while we spend a moment taking stock of how disastrous a winter Antarctica is having, we turn from that to see how building trust in each other on the local level can help mitigate the disasters we face as the Climate Crisis rolls on.

Finally, we look on as Food Not Bombs volunteers in Houston take on the city’s law against feeding the homeless. All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 11, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Bernie Sanders Big Oil Climate Climate Reparations Congress Corporate Malfeasance Episode Exxon Food Security Food Waste GOP House of Representatives Ocean Temperature Rebound Effect Recycling Shell Oil WSUM

TMI 08/04/2023 – Bernie’s Call to Climate Action vs. the GOP House’s Climate Sabotage, Food Waste Reduction Can Have a Rebound Effect and more

We start by going through some email received, including one from Senator Bernie Sanders, where the Independent from Vermont looks at the Climate Crisis and asks “how did we get here?” More, he answers that same question with an overview of who knew this would happen, and for how long they’ve known. We then compare that with how the annual budget bills in Congress are being poisoned by GOP House members against taking action to fix the Climate Crisis.

Then we take a look at a new study of food waste reduction – not just the immediate impact that it would have on lowering the amount of food needed to feed people the way we are now, but also the rebound effect from there being more supply in the food chain. Finally, we go over how a focus on recycling (versus redcing and reusing) is not even remotely the best way to go about things. All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 04, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!