Abortion AI Episode Health Insurance Health Network One Joe Biden Leonardo Leo Medicaid Roe v. Wade SCOTUS WSUM

TMI 11/03/2023 – Leonardo Leo Funds Anti-Abortion in Ohio and Beyond, Biden Admin Executive Order Takes On AI, Health Network One Reinvents Profiting Off the Helpless and more

If you’ve never heard of Leonardo Leo and you believe that everyone, uterus-bearing or not, has the right to full bodily autonomy and access to health care (including abortion), then strap yourself in while I give you a quick tour of one of the biggest funders behind the SCOTUS majority that overturned Roe v. Wade and behind fighting Ohio from enacting a State Constitutional Amendment protecting abortion rights.

Then, in an enormous executive order, the Biden Administration is attempting to rein in AI before it is too late on a number of fronts – we examine the effort. Finally, we show how Health Network One has devised a NEW way to take public Medicaid money from Florida while giving Medicaid members WORSE coverage, all in the name of more profits! All this and more on TMI for Friday, November 03, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Bidenomics Billionaires Climate Climate Lawsuits Climate Reparations Democratic Party Electoral Politics Episode Eruption Health Insurance Medical Marijuana Montana Tonga WSUM

TMI 08/18/2023 – How Betting the Campaign on “Bidenomics” is a Mistake, Montana Agrees It Owes Its Youth for Their Climate Future, Medical Marijuana Lowers Premiums and more

The re-election campaign of President Joe Biden is all in on “Bidenomics” as the core acheivement of the President’s first four years, and that’s backed up by macro-economic indicators. However, that’s only true because the AVERAGE economic outlook has been imporvaed only by how much STAGGERINGLY better the billionaires are doing – most of the rest of us aren’t feeling it.

Then, we look at how last year’s eruption in Tonga is adding to the human-made climate crisis and how Montana’s courts are agreeing with young climate activists: the state OWES them a better climate future.

Finally, we look at how studies are showing the opposite of the doomsayers’ predictions about medical marijuana – it is LOWERING health insurance premiums in those states that have it! All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 18, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!