Billionaires Climate Episode Gabby Petito Global Politics Native Americans Objective News Political Language WSUM

TMI 9/24/2021 – ‘I’ vs. ‘We’ in the Fight Against Climate Change, Billionaire Taxation is Key, More than Gabby: Native Women Need More Attention When They Go Missing, News in Brief

Global Warming’s “tipping points” like Fires, Floods, Permafrost Melt, and other catastrophes appear absolutely unstoppable when framed with the oft-asked “what can _I_ do about it?” We show why this is the WRONG framework to use when tackling climate issues.

Then, we further go into how (MMT be damned) possibly one of the most KEY parts of solving the crisis is the taxation of the Billionaire class. Finally, we shed light on how, while it is perfectly good that Gabby Petito got the attention she did when she was “lost”, so many more Native women are lost with barely a mention in even the most local of media. All this and more on TMI with Aldous Tyler for Friday, September 24, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media.

Build America Act Build Back Better Act Congress COVID-19 Delta Variant disinformation Episode WSUM

TMI 09/17/2021 – Delta Breaks Through the NY Times’ Bad Statistics, How to Tell the ‘Build America Act’ Apart From the ‘Build Back Better Act’

Adding to the long list of publications and sources that MUST be double-checked before reporting from, the New York Times published an article citing bad numbers for the chances of getting a breakthrough COVID infection as if they were valid. According to that, you had a 1 in 5,000 to 1 in 10,000 chance of getting a breakthrough COVID-19 infection if you were already vaccinated, a number that was ludicrously off the day it was published and continues to be more inaccurate as the pandemic rages on. We examine how they arrived at these figures, and what the real chances are. Please get vaccinated, as doing so makes it much more likely you won’t DIE when you catch COVID-19, but please also stay socially distant and masked for your own safety.

Also, we talk about the Build America Act and its’ reconciliation bill, the Build Back Better Act, and how it is imperative the two are not allowed to be separated. All this and more on TMI with Aldous Tyler for Friday, September 17, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media.

Best of TMI Episode WSUM

TMI 09/10/2021 – BEST OF: Nine Terrifying Words, Alabama’s Coal Strike and the History Behind Leaving Afghanistan

With your host down for the count with COVID-19, please enjoy a repeat of last week’s episode of TMI:

Ronald Reagan gave us his “nine most terrifying words in the english language” 40 years ago – we examine how this devious concept has insidiously corrupted our ability to function as a government, even when it comes to responding to immediate threats like Hurricane Ida.

Then, we talk about the strike down in Alabama by miners of Warrior Met Coal, and the similarities to some historically violent coal strikes that rocked the USA roughly 100 years ago. With luck, maybe we can protect workers’ rights without so much bloodshed this time.

Finally, we look at the completion of the USA’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, and how it has been long overdue. All this and more on this BEST OF  TMI with Aldous Tyler for Friday, Sepetmber 10, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media.

2021 Afghanistan Climate Coal war Episode Global Politics Ronald Reagan union War WSUM

TMI 09/03/2021 – Nine Terrifying Words, Alabama’s Coal Strike and the History Behind Leaving Afghanistan

Ronald Reagan gave us his “nine most terrifying words in the english language” 40 years ago – we examine how this devious concept has insidiously corrupted our ability to function as a government, even when it comes to responding to immediate threats like Hurricane Ida.

Then, we talk about the strike down in Alabama by miners of Warrior Met Coal, and the similarities to some historically violent coal strikes that rocked the USA roughly 100 years ago. With luck, maybe we can protect workers’ rights without so much bloodshed this time.

Finally, we look at the completion of the USA’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, and how it has been long overdue. All this and more on TMI with Aldous Tyler for Friday, Sepetmber 03, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media.