Climate Downloads Episode European Union Gayle Manchin Intellectual Property Joe Manchin Measurement RIAA WSUM

TMI 03/25/2022 – Records Simultaneously Broken at Both Poles, The Corruption of Gayle Manchin, Study Shows Little Harm from Unauthorized Downloads, the Limitations of Measurement

The temperature in parts of the Antarctic hit 70ºF above average – what makes that even more alarming is how at the SAME moment parts of the Arctic hit 50ºF above average! We discuss the ramifications. Next, while many are aware of the corrupt and corporate leanings of Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, his wife Gayle happens to have still OTHER corrupting forces that she merrily navigates for her husband’s benefit.

Then, we review how the EU commissioned a study to “prove” that unauthorized downloads have a negative effect on legitimate sales of various forms of media, only to have the study buried when it failed to show much of anything like that. Finally, we examine the idea “If you can’t measure it, then it doesn’t exist” and why this is a truly flawed concept. All that and more on TMI for Friday, March 25, 2022 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Congressional Black Caucus Daylight Saving Time Episode Florida Gerrymandering Incels Ron DeSantis Secret Service Terrorism WSUM

TMI 03/18/2022 – DeSantis Versus a Black Congressperson, Daylight Saved? and Why the Secret Service is Worried About Incels

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has aims to eliminate a Congressional district in his state that is primarily populated by black people. We will go over the legality of this, and how it is NO accident. Then, we go over the bill that has passed the US Senate, looking to end the madness of changing our clocks twice a year by making Daylight Saving Time a permanent state, beginning November 2023.

Finally, we talk about a recent report from the US Secret Service, noting that a significant portion of domestic terrorist activity has been coming from the growing “incel community” online. We discuss all that and more on TMI for Friday, March 18, 2022 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Pre-empted WSUM

TMI 03/11/2022 has been pre-empted

Thank you for checking in! There will be no new episode of TMI this week as WSUM has pre-empted the timeslot. Tune in again next Friday, March 18. 2022 for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Big Oil Capitalism Greg Palast Nicolás Maduro Russia Ukraine United States of America Venezuela Vladimir Putin YouTube

Up at – interview clip, transcript and link to video!

Greg Palast has posted our interview on not merely what is happening in Ukraine, but WHY it is happening… and possible solutions. Listen to the clip, read the excerpt, or watch the full video linked at the bottom of that. Being informed is vital when war is afoot. Check it out now!

Greg Palast Ukraine YouTube

Greg Palast on Ukraine – Watch Now!

Greg Palast joins us to examine what Russia wants with Ukraine, and one powerful overlooked way the United States could stop it. More of Greg’s insightful investigative reporting can be found at and is known for his investigative reports for The Guardian and Democracy Now and author of several New York Times bestsellers including “The Best Democracy Money Can Buy”.

Big Oil Episode Geography Global Politics Greg Palast Religion Russia Science Ukraine Vladimir Putin War WSUM

TMI 03/04/2022 – Greg Palast on Putin’s Russian Orthodox and Oil Price Motivations, How Russia’s Geography Makes Invading Ukraine Attractive, Geothermal Startup Wants Cheap Renewable Energy Everywhere

We are joined by Greg Palast who outlines how both the sharp increase in oil prices and the Russian Orthodox Church are motivating Vladimir Putin to push further into Ukraine, causing untold chaos for both Russia and Ukraine. Then, I go over how Russia has a particular geographical feature that makes invading Ukraine even more attractive for Putin, along with a few other issues that weren’t covered in our conversation with Palast.

Finally, a Geothermal startup believes it has the recipe for making cheap renewable energy available almost anywhere on Earth! All this and more on TMI for Friday, March 4th, 2022 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!