Charter Schools Education Episode Housing Crisis Rick Snyder Scott Walker WSUM

TMI 11/22/2014 – Educate Yourself about the Education Agenda, the Foreclosure of Fraudulent Mortgages, and more!

Many of us who are upset about the changes made in state education programs by governors like Scott Walker and Rick Snyder are brought up short when challenged to name specifically what wrongs have been committed by their supporters. Listen in today, and be armed with specifics. Find out precisely what the overall budget cuts have resulted in. Be able to say precisely why charter schools have become a menace to public schooling. Match your passionate opposition to the factual results of these policies, and be better armed for Thanksgiving dinner-table debates.

Then, with proclamations that the recession caused by the housing bubble bursting is over, one might think that we are out of the woods when it comes to the ill effects of home foreclosures caused by fraudulent mortgage practices. If only that were true. We’ll look at Massachusetts, where 40,000 frauds continue to steal homes away, with no help to be had.

All that and more on TMI with Aldous Tyler for Saturday, November 22, 2014, airing live at noon Central on WSUM 91.7 FM in Madison and anywhere – tune in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Cenk Uygur Hiatus Hillary Clinton Mary Burke Pink Floyd Presidential Politics

TMI 11/08/2014 – On Hiatus, with Links

No episode today, but a couple of links to look at and ponder:

Were you aware that one of Mary Burke’s top advisors sent thousands of dollars to GOP candidates while working on the Burke campaign?

Did you know Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks is running an online “progressive presidential primary” to find an alternative to Hillary Clinton?

Finally, there’s been a lot of attention paid to Pink Floyd releasing a final new album this year, but have you heard this song from them which, to my mind, encapsulates our world and what it needs?

Enjoy, and TMI will be back next week!