College Towns Democratic Party disinformation Donald Trump Election Integrity Electoral Politics Episode Gary Johnson GOP Green Party Hillary Clinton Jill Stein Libertarian Party Wisconsin WSUM

TMI 07/28/2023 – College Towns and Counties Accross America Challenge the GOP at the Ballot Box, How Third Parties Do Not “Spoil” Dem or GOP Campaigns, and more

From beautiful Madison, Wisconsin to Asheville, North Carolina to Austin, Texas and far, far more, “college towns” have become the terror of the GOP in statewide elections, often compensating for the remainder of their states’ votes and then some. We explore how dramatically the tide has turned since just the year 2000, and what this points to from here.

Then, we take aim at the myth of third party candidates spoiling major party electoral campaigns. When you look at the numbers – ALL of the numbers that apply to the situation – you can see clearly that blaming candidates like Jill Stein for Hillary Clinton’s loss makes absolutely no sense. All this and more on TMI for Friday, July 28, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Cenk Uygur Hiatus Hillary Clinton Mary Burke Pink Floyd Presidential Politics

TMI 11/08/2014 – On Hiatus, with Links

No episode today, but a couple of links to look at and ponder:

Were you aware that one of Mary Burke’s top advisors sent thousands of dollars to GOP candidates while working on the Burke campaign?

Did you know Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks is running an online “progressive presidential primary” to find an alternative to Hillary Clinton?

Finally, there’s been a lot of attention paid to Pink Floyd releasing a final new album this year, but have you heard this song from them which, to my mind, encapsulates our world and what it needs?

Enjoy, and TMI will be back next week!