Absentee Ballots Big Food Corporate Malfeasance Election Integrity Episode Florida Freedom Summer Inflation MyVote Pride Ron DeSantis Shrinkflation Stock Buybacks Wisconsin Elections Commission WSUM

TMI 06/07/2024 – Big Food’s Stock Buybacks Cost Us More Than Inflation, Florida’s “Freedom Summer” Bans Pride Light Displays on Bridges, Lawsuit Makes Absentee Voting in Wisconsin More Complicated

On this episode, we dissect the profit-driven machinations of Big Food (the grocery monopolies and fast food giants). While inflation is hitting us hard, these monolithic corporations blame supply chain issues, all while channeling massive profits into stock buybacks and dividends to make their shareholders rich at our expense.

Then, we look at Florida’s decision not to illuminate bridges with rainbow colors during Pride Month under the guise of patriotic “Freedom” color displays being mandated all summer. This is sparking citizen action, with locals taking matters into their own hands by projecting rainbow hues from the Main Street bridge in Jacksonville. Finally, a lawsuit is trying to make it harder for you to have your absentee ballot counted in the State of Wisconsin. All this and more on TMI for Friday, June 07, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

disinformation Election Integrity Episode Media misinformation Palestine Peter B. Collins Ukraine Vladimir Putin WSUM YouTube

TMI 02/02/2024 – Interview with Peter B. Collins on the State of the Media (Including YouTube) : How It Is Failing to Present the Truth and more

On this episode, we welcome back Peter B. Collins, legendary talk radio host and media analyst, who goes over the state of the media that we are contending with in reporting on such topics as real voter suppression (NOT the MAGA “Stop the Steal” nonsense, which YouTube refuses to recognize is different), the war started by Putin in Ukraine, the continued genocide in Palestine that began well before October of 2023, and much, much more. Peter’s own podcast archives have a true wealth of well-researched and sourced information at and we invite you to inform and enrich yourself by partaking of the bounty!

All this and more on TMI for Friday, February 02, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

College Towns Democratic Party disinformation Donald Trump Election Integrity Electoral Politics Episode Gary Johnson GOP Green Party Hillary Clinton Jill Stein Libertarian Party Wisconsin WSUM

TMI 07/28/2023 – College Towns and Counties Accross America Challenge the GOP at the Ballot Box, How Third Parties Do Not “Spoil” Dem or GOP Campaigns, and more

From beautiful Madison, Wisconsin to Asheville, North Carolina to Austin, Texas and far, far more, “college towns” have become the terror of the GOP in statewide elections, often compensating for the remainder of their states’ votes and then some. We explore how dramatically the tide has turned since just the year 2000, and what this points to from here.

Then, we take aim at the myth of third party candidates spoiling major party electoral campaigns. When you look at the numbers – ALL of the numbers that apply to the situation – you can see clearly that blaming candidates like Jill Stein for Hillary Clinton’s loss makes absolutely no sense. All this and more on TMI for Friday, July 28, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Brad Raffensperger Brian Kemp disinformation Election Integrity Episode Georgia GOP Greg Palast Herschel Walker Media misinformation New York Times Racism Raphael Warnock Ron Johnson Rosario Dawson White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 12/30/2022 – Greg Palast’s “Vigilante” Blows the Doors off False “Record Turnout” Claim in Georgia!

Veteran Investigative Journalist Greg Palast joins us to discuss how the media repeated (not reported on) the lie fed them by Georgia’s Brad Raffensperger. What lie? That the runoff election had “record turnout” when that last runoff just two years ago had ONE MILLION MORE VOTES. He and I even do the EASY math for you here and lay it all out, not only the ramifications for Georgia, but the rest of the nation! It you can’t tune in at 5:00pm Central to WSUM 91.7FM to catch this episode then LISTEN NOW: there’s a time-sensitive link given to you in all of this! The Vigilante movie, sixty minutes which document the whole mess in Georgia with narration by Rosario Dawson, is available to watch FREE but ONLY THROUGH SUNDAY, JANUARY 1st! Then it won’t be streaming or for sale anywhere, so hop on it NOW at and always keep an eye on for the best insight into what is happening electorally.

Don’t miss this special episode – listen NOW for YOUR Cure for the Common Media and put 2022 to bed the way it deserves to be.

ACEP Attack Capitalism Capitol Building Attack Congress Conspiracy theories Corporate Malfeasance Donald Trump Election Integrity Emergency Room Episode ER Fascism GOP House of Representatives Insurrection January 6 National Guard Nazi Presidential Politics Proud Boys QAnon Riot Universal Health Care WSUM

TMI 10/29/2021 – Trump Administration and GOP Congressional Connections to Jan 6th Capitol Attack Confirmed, and how the ACEP Profiteers off of ER Visits

Rolling Stone published a blockbuster investigation that directly connects a number of GOP Congresspeople and the Trump Administration itself to the planning of the Capitol Attack of January 6th, 2021 – we go over the report in detail.

Then, if you wondered how Emergency Room visits get to be so expensive, a lobbying group called the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) have spent decades now twisting the regulations and then flouting even THOSE to make an illegal profit for the capitalists who back it. All that and much more on TMI for Friday, October 29, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Democratic Party Election Integrity Episode Equality GOP January 6 Pride Stormé DeLarverie WSUM

TMI 06/11/2021 – Pride’s Stonewall Origins include Stormé DeLarverie, Political Parties May Be Doomed, Who Stormed The Capitol on January 6th?

Stormé DeLarverie threw the first punch at the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village, New York City on a fateful June night in 1969, and her cry of “WHY DON’T YOU DO SOMETHING!?” should be recalled among the most influential rallying statements of any modern rights movement. Find out not just why June is Pride Month, but portions of the origin story that you may never have heard before.

Then: worldwide, many are turning away from organized political parties, feeling that these groups have been usurped by elite forces and thus made unresponsive to the needs of the people. But does democracy work well without them? We investigate. Finally, we go over a by-the-numbers summary of who has been arrested for the attack on the US Capitol Building on january 6th, 2021 – some of the numbers and facts here will surprise you. All that and more on TMI for Friday, June 11, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Election Integrity Episode Equality Homelessness House of Representatives SCOTUS Sociology White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 05/07/2021 – How Madison Can Cross the “Finnish” Line with the Homeless, How White Male Supreme Court Clerks Make a Less Representational Justice System, and How The House of Reps Needs More Reps

Madison, like many cities, struggles with how to solve its homelessness problem. Especially in the brutal Wisconsin winters, we don’t want people to freeze to death, but we need to be able to afford the solution. Finland knows a thing or two about Winter AND about homelessness, and their solution: make giving the homeless housing the FIRST thing you do, not third or fourth step down the line. While not cheap, it is far more affordable than any other approach, and actually STOPS homelessness.

Next, we look at the hoops one has to jump through to be a Clerk at the Supreme Court of the United States. These obstacles are making it more difficult for women and minorities to achieve this goal, and thus making the high court Judges and Justices that are often chosen from these clerkships more white and male. Finally, with the 2020 Census fully tabulated, we have the decennial struggle for which states will lose or gain seats in the House – but no one should be losing any, given that there’s no Constitutional reason to have the number of Representatives frozen. All that and more on TMI for Friday, May 7th, 2021! Listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Amazon Billionaires Capitol Building Attack Conspiracy theories COVID-19 Democratic Party disinformation Donald Trump Election Integrity Episode Fascism Freedom of Speech Freedom of the Press George Floyd GOP January 6 Joe Biden Kamala Harris Media misinformation Mitch McConnell Presidential Politics QAnon union Universal Health Care

TMI 04/02/2021 – Amazon Fights Unionization, American Democracy Stressed by 2020 Election

As efforts by the workforce at Amazon’s Bessemer, Alabama facility to join the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union ramp up, Amazon has been engaging in dirty tactics to frighten, intimidate and bully their workers out of voting yes. While these tactics are used far too commonly nationwide against unions. Amazon was using their immense power to involve local police, the postal service and more.

Then, we examine how the tumultuous election of 2020 has strained the very structure of democracy here in the United States, and where these weak points can cause future trouble. All this and more on TMI for Friday April 2, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Attack Climate COVID-19 Election Integrity Episode Fascism Finite Worry Google Insurrection Media Presidential Politics Proud Boys Riot Sociology WSUM

TMI 01/08/2021 – How the Capitol Attack Reverberated Elsewhere, Does the Climate Have a Finite Pool of Worry, Google Gets a Union, and some Truths 2020 Left Us With

On today’s episode of TMI:

The attack on the Capitol Building, spurred by noneother than Donald Trump himself, was a day of disaster in DC, but had consequences that reached far further. A friend in Connecticut sends in her striking tale of how events that transpired for her that same day, many miles away, were phantoms of the brutal riot happening in Washington.

Next, we examine how a study over how concerned people are about the Climate Crisis was able to serendipitously discover if something as worrisome as the pandemic can crowd out Climate worry. It’s a test of the Finite Pool of Worry theory, be sure to listen in!

Then, Google has had a Union form within its ranks, but there’s something different and frankly revolutionary about it – find out what.

Finally, we see that 2020, harsh a year as it was, has left us with several gems of insight that we need to carry with us from now on. All that and more on TMI for Friday, January 8th, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

COVID-19 Donald Trump Election Integrity Episode Fascism Kamala Harris Mitch McConnell Wisconsin Supreme Court WSUM

TMI 12/18/2020 – So Close to Peril, Mitch Can Be Ditched, How the Pandemic Wounds Society and the Season of Treason

On today’s TMI: While everyone was watching the Electoral College cast their votes, the Supreme Court of Wisconsin put themselves ONE VOTE AWAY from leading us into chaos. We discuss. Then: even IF the Democratic Party loses either (or both) Senate seats in the upcoming GA runoff election, there’s a way that Mitch McConnell could still be Majority Leader… and yet no longer be in the way of voting on key legislation. Next, we talk about the uneven burdens of the pandemic, specifically how the anemic federal stimulus has forced state and local governments to make cuts we are going to be dealing with long after we’re all safe from COVID-19. Finally, we see how 126 GOP Representatives could easily be seen as treasonous to the nation (if loyal to the President), and there’s a measure to stop them from being seated in January. All that and more on TMI for Friday, December 18, 2020 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!