Bernie Sanders Big Oil Climate Climate Reparations Congress Corporate Malfeasance Episode Exxon Food Security Food Waste GOP House of Representatives Ocean Temperature Rebound Effect Recycling Shell Oil WSUM

TMI 08/04/2023 – Bernie’s Call to Climate Action vs. the GOP House’s Climate Sabotage, Food Waste Reduction Can Have a Rebound Effect and more

We start by going through some email received, including one from Senator Bernie Sanders, where the Independent from Vermont looks at the Climate Crisis and asks “how did we get here?” More, he answers that same question with an overview of who knew this would happen, and for how long they’ve known. We then compare that with how the annual budget bills in Congress are being poisoned by GOP House members against taking action to fix the Climate Crisis.

Then we take a look at a new study of food waste reduction – not just the immediate impact that it would have on lowering the amount of food needed to feed people the way we are now, but also the rebound effect from there being more supply in the food chain. Finally, we go over how a focus on recycling (versus redcing and reusing) is not even remotely the best way to go about things. All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 04, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

2021 Colorado Conspiracy theories COVID-19 Democratic Party Emergency Room Episode ER House of Representatives misinformation Parthenogenesis Science Vaccination WSUM

TMI 11/05/2021 – The Human Cost of Going Unvaccinated in Colorado, How the “Rough Night” of Election Day 2021 Went, Science News on Condor Parthenogenesis, More!

In a scenario that is also playing out elsewhere, Colorado is finding out that the cost of allowing so much ignorance about vaccination among its citizens is its hospitals becoming completely overwhelmed by mostly those who refuse the vaccine. Not only does that harm the benighted patients in the ICU, it also keeps hospitals from being able to admit others who need their services, forcing non-COVID patients to be turned away even from emergency care.

Then, we look at the much-exaggerated “rough night” the Democratic Party had on 11/2/2021 – the losses were easily predictable, despite what the corporate media wants you to think, and they are being used as leverage to push Dems even FURTHER from action that would inspire people to come out in support of them. Finally, we talk about a pair of exciting new discoveries in the world of science: successful parthenogenesis in birds (specifically condors) being observed for the first time, and the ability to use a brain implant prosthesis to allow a blind person to ‘see”.

All this and much more on TMI for Friday, November 5th, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

ACEP Attack Capitalism Capitol Building Attack Congress Conspiracy theories Corporate Malfeasance Donald Trump Election Integrity Emergency Room Episode ER Fascism GOP House of Representatives Insurrection January 6 National Guard Nazi Presidential Politics Proud Boys QAnon Riot Universal Health Care WSUM

TMI 10/29/2021 – Trump Administration and GOP Congressional Connections to Jan 6th Capitol Attack Confirmed, and how the ACEP Profiteers off of ER Visits

Rolling Stone published a blockbuster investigation that directly connects a number of GOP Congresspeople and the Trump Administration itself to the planning of the Capitol Attack of January 6th, 2021 – we go over the report in detail.

Then, if you wondered how Emergency Room visits get to be so expensive, a lobbying group called the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) have spent decades now twisting the regulations and then flouting even THOSE to make an illegal profit for the capitalists who back it. All that and much more on TMI for Friday, October 29, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Election Integrity Episode Equality Homelessness House of Representatives SCOTUS Sociology White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 05/07/2021 – How Madison Can Cross the “Finnish” Line with the Homeless, How White Male Supreme Court Clerks Make a Less Representational Justice System, and How The House of Reps Needs More Reps

Madison, like many cities, struggles with how to solve its homelessness problem. Especially in the brutal Wisconsin winters, we don’t want people to freeze to death, but we need to be able to afford the solution. Finland knows a thing or two about Winter AND about homelessness, and their solution: make giving the homeless housing the FIRST thing you do, not third or fourth step down the line. While not cheap, it is far more affordable than any other approach, and actually STOPS homelessness.

Next, we look at the hoops one has to jump through to be a Clerk at the Supreme Court of the United States. These obstacles are making it more difficult for women and minorities to achieve this goal, and thus making the high court Judges and Justices that are often chosen from these clerkships more white and male. Finally, with the 2020 Census fully tabulated, we have the decennial struggle for which states will lose or gain seats in the House – but no one should be losing any, given that there’s no Constitutional reason to have the number of Representatives frozen. All that and more on TMI for Friday, May 7th, 2021! Listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!