Bernie Sanders Big Oil Climate Climate Reparations Congress Corporate Malfeasance Episode Exxon Food Security Food Waste GOP House of Representatives Ocean Temperature Rebound Effect Recycling Shell Oil WSUM

TMI 08/04/2023 – Bernie’s Call to Climate Action vs. the GOP House’s Climate Sabotage, Food Waste Reduction Can Have a Rebound Effect and more

We start by going through some email received, including one from Senator Bernie Sanders, where the Independent from Vermont looks at the Climate Crisis and asks “how did we get here?” More, he answers that same question with an overview of who knew this would happen, and for how long they’ve known. We then compare that with how the annual budget bills in Congress are being poisoned by GOP House members against taking action to fix the Climate Crisis.

Then we take a look at a new study of food waste reduction – not just the immediate impact that it would have on lowering the amount of food needed to feed people the way we are now, but also the rebound effect from there being more supply in the food chain. Finally, we go over how a focus on recycling (versus redcing and reusing) is not even remotely the best way to go about things. All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 04, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Bernie Sanders COVID-19 Episode Olympics WSUM

TMI 08/13/2021 – Olympic-Sized Apologies, Senate Progress, COVID Passports

On this episode of TMI, we talk about how the 2020/2021 Tokyo Olympic Games was NOT a good event, with NBC carrying a LOT of water for it, and the IOC refusing to acknowledge the many problems it had. Fine. WE will, and more, we’ll issue an apology for it.

Then, we look into how Bernie Sanders has managed to leverage his new Chairmanship in the Senate into a platform to push a progressive agenda for all of us. Finally, we check into how COVID passports are being required more and more to attend events and more – we look into how this is a good idea to promote public safety in a pandemic made all the worse by ignorant refusal to do the most basic things to stop it. All this and more on TMI with Aldous Tyler for Friday, August 13, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media.

Bernie Sanders Democratic Party Episode Gubernatorial Politics Mary Jo Walters Patrick Walker Presidential Politics WSUM

TMI 10/25/2014 – Another Party Heard From with Mary Jo Walters on Wisconsin and Patrick Walker on Politics

Mary Jo Walters is running a campaign to represent the people of Wisconsin as Governor (after trying to run for Lt. Governor), but she’s not about to limit herself to the two big parties to do it! We’ll have her live in studio to discuss what it means to run outside the system. Then, Patrick Walker has been thinking about how Bernie Sanders may run for President in 2016, and he thinks that should be as a Democrat – but not so Bernie can be co-opted!

We’ll have all that and much more on TMI for 10/25/2014, broadcasting live at noon Central on WSUM 91.7 FM Madison or streaming live on anywhere. Tune in for your Cure for the Common Media!