Electoral Politics Episode Populism Progressive Policy WSUM

TMI 6/21/2014 – The Wedge that Keeps Populism Divided, and much more!

There could be a vibrant populist movement in the United States of America. Any time a government-for-the-People progressive candidate gets through the myriad political traps laid down by the status-quo parties, they find a large amount of support from the citizenry. Libertarian-minded candidates also find plenty of popular support thanks to their individual-rights stances. Even the Tea Party only fared as well as they did because they dressed themselves up in populist rhetoric.

So why isn’t there a broad coalition of people-power politicos making waves? I believe I’ve identified the wedge, the issue that keeps us from doing this, and I’ll go over it live on the air, and much more at noon Central on WSUM FM, 91.7 in Madison and everywhere! Tune in for your Cure for the Common Media.

Electoral Politics Episode Jeremy Ryan Mary Jo Walters Paul Ryan Populism WSUM

TMI 6/14/2014 – A Progressive Ryan in the GOP, a Populist Mary Jo for Lt. Governor, and much more!

TMI this weekend brings you candidates you ought to know about, but may not have heard much from! Firstly, Mary Jo Walters is going for Lieutenant Governor here in Wisconsin to try and help give the people a voice.

Then, in Wisconsin’s 1st District, Jeremy Ryan is proving that party affiliation is far less important than values and fight as he takes on incumbent Paul Ryan (of the recently failed Romney campaign) from within the Republican Primary!

All that and more on TMI for Saturday, June 14th, live at noon Central on WSUM FM, 91.7 in Madison and everywhere! Tune in for your cure for the common media.

Barbara Crabb Devin Gatton Episode KeystoneXL LGBTQ+ Log Cabin Republicans Same Sex Marriage Steve Horn Terrorism WSUM

TMI 6/07/2014 – The Wave of Equality with Devin Gatton, the Mistaken Surveillance with Steve Horn and More!

U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb in Madison on Friday overturned Wisconsin’s same-sex marriage ban, striking down an amendment to the state constitution approved overwhelmingly by voters in 2006 and prompting an emergency action by the state to halt the scores of weddings that began in the state’s two largest cities. Devin Gatton of Wisconsin’s Log Cabin Republicans joins us to discuss and show that there are things we can agree just need to happen, no matter our affiliation.

Then, Steve Horn returns to discuss how the government has been keeping anti-Keystone XL activists under close watch as suspected “terrorists”, while a military commander warns us that the threat real terrorists pose to our oil pipelines is going mostly ignored. Steve has also just concluded a three part investigation into Retired General David Petraeus’ dealings with North Dakota, forcing a public official to admit that obviously corrupt practices were just “business as usual”.

All that and more on TMI for Saturday, June 7th 2014, airing live at noon Central on WSUM FM, 91.7 in Madison or everywhere! Tune in for YOUR cure for the common media!