Black History Crime-free Episode Homelessness Landlords Nuisance Laws WSUM Zoning Laws

TMI 02/09/2024 – Are We Failing the Lessons of Black History Month by Using Zoning and “Crime-Free” Laws to Increase Homelessness Among People of Color?

We look back as recently as 1964 in Black History and see drinking fountains marked “colored” and “whites”, and tsk at such blatant symbols of racial oppression. But the times haven’t changed as much as one might hope. People of color are frequently among the homeless that many cities attempt to banish by using zoning laws capriciously against churches who are trying to house and feed them. Worse, we see that laws against “nuisance” tenants in order to create “crime-free” communities are often adopted when people of color move into those places, forcing landlords to screen out or evict people of color, exacerbating the issue. Today’s present becomes the Black History of tomorrow. We look at all of this and more TMI for Friday, February 09, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

AI Antarctica Artificial Intelligence Dot-com Bubble Episode Homelessness Housing Crisis Octopi DNA WSUM

TMI 01/05/2024 – Will the AI Bubble Leave Anything Behind, How a Madison Church’s Decision to House the Homeless May Offset A Corporate Solution’s Collapse, Octopi DNA and Antarctic Collapse and more

Some bubbles crash and leave nothing but ruin in their wake, while others, like the dot-com bubble that burst in 2000, leave behind many valuable things that can be used to propel other, new things forward. So, the question is, which type of bubble is AI, which is, by all definitions, a bubble just waiting to crash. We investigate.

Next, we look at the tragedy unfolding for dozens of vulnerable families in Madison as we speak, who are losing their housing due to the mismanagement of a corporate entity. Then we contrast that against a downtown Madison church, whose congregation has decided to use their mostly empty house of worship as housing for those who have nowhere to live, ignoring the temptation to cash in on the valuable real estate it sits on.

Finally, we tell you how octopus DNA is providing evidence that the Antarctic ice sheets are ready to collapse. All this and more on TMI for Friday, January 05, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Episode Global Politics Henry Kissinger Homelessness Housing Crisis Immune System Jacobin Jeff Bezos Jessica Wildfire Jonah Walters OK Doomer WSUM

TMI 12/08/2023 – “The Good Die Young – The Verdict on Henry Kissinger” with Jonah Walters, Jeff Bezos’ Jekyll-and-Hyde on Homelessness, Jessica Wildfire’s Guide to the Immune System and more

We welcome Jonah Walters of Jacobin Magazine to discuss the new book he co-edited, “The Good Die Young – The Verdict on Henry Kissinger”, and go over the broad influence Kissinger wove around the world in his over 100 years of life. You won’t want to miss this, or the new book, which is available via

Then we expose how Jeff Bezos’ donations to organizations fighting homelessness across the USA sets up a horrific contrast to his 400% larger investment in a company that will make the housing crisis here WORSE. Finally, we check in on Jessica Wildfire’s OK Doomer, to find that she’s compiled a truly useful list of what we need to keep our immune systems strong in the face of rampant disease. All this and more on TMI for Friday, December 08, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Denver Donald Trump Episode Fascism Federal Communications Commission Homelessness Housing Crisis Nutritional Decline Space Junk Universal Basic Income WSUM

TMI 10/13/2023 – Denver’s Basic Income Experiment Shows Remarkable Results, Analysis of Fascism From 1939 Overlays Perfectly on Trump, Plants Have Lost Nutritional Value Over Past 50 Years, First Space Junk Fine and more

It’s Friday the 13th, but even more terrifying is the prospect of being homeless in the USA – but there are real solutions being researched, finally! Denver, Colorado has been testing the actual impact of cash payments with no strings attached, and the results show a true way forward.

Next, an analysis of how fascism can be nurtured and grown from eighty years ago just so happens to perfectly encapsulate Trump’s entire strategy, and paints a dark view of the coming election year if we aren’t careful. Then we look at how fruits and vegetables have lost nutritional value over the years, and find out exactly what the culprits are. Finally, we note that the FCC has issued the first ever fine to a corporation for “space junk”. All this and more on TMI for Friday, October 13, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Antarctica Climate Conspiracy theories Episode Food Security Homelessness Houston Trust WSUM

TMI 08/11/2023 – The Core of Conspiracy Theories Isn’t Entirely Wrong, How Building Communal Trust Can Help Us Cope With the Climate Crisis, Fighting to Feed the Homeless in Houston and more

Conspiracy theories are everywhere lately, and we look at the fundamental core underlying them all to see that THAT, at least, appears to be valid. Then, while we spend a moment taking stock of how disastrous a winter Antarctica is having, we turn from that to see how building trust in each other on the local level can help mitigate the disasters we face as the Climate Crisis rolls on.

Finally, we look on as Food Not Bombs volunteers in Houston take on the city’s law against feeding the homeless. All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 11, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Amazon Capitol Building Attack Coal war Conspiracy theories COVID-19 disinformation Donald Trump Episode Homelessness January 6 misinformation Proud Boys Riot union Vaccination WSUM

TMI 10/01/2021 – Amazon’s Company Town Solution is a Horrible Idea, COVID-19 Killing More US Conservatives Than Ever, Trump’s Lawsuit to Hide from January 6, 2021

Amazon says it has the perfect solution to the housing crisis: why not let them house their workers in affordable housing near their workplaces, allowing them to also help control costs by supplying transportation, food, and other needs? Why? Oh, we’ll tell you, and the answer is to be found in the old classic “Sixteen Tons”.

Then, COVID-19’s path of death has shifted its focus: as more of your centrist-to-leftward population in America has gotten vaccinated versus the conservative side, more US conservatives are finding themselves hospitalized by the “hoax”, with no few of them dying of it. Finally, we look at how Trump is suing to try and keep White House records from January 6th, 2021 from investigators into the Capitol Attack. Nothing suspicious there. All that and much more on TMI with Aldous Tyler for Friday, October 1, 2021. Listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Election Integrity Episode Equality Homelessness House of Representatives SCOTUS Sociology White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 05/07/2021 – How Madison Can Cross the “Finnish” Line with the Homeless, How White Male Supreme Court Clerks Make a Less Representational Justice System, and How The House of Reps Needs More Reps

Madison, like many cities, struggles with how to solve its homelessness problem. Especially in the brutal Wisconsin winters, we don’t want people to freeze to death, but we need to be able to afford the solution. Finland knows a thing or two about Winter AND about homelessness, and their solution: make giving the homeless housing the FIRST thing you do, not third or fourth step down the line. While not cheap, it is far more affordable than any other approach, and actually STOPS homelessness.

Next, we look at the hoops one has to jump through to be a Clerk at the Supreme Court of the United States. These obstacles are making it more difficult for women and minorities to achieve this goal, and thus making the high court Judges and Justices that are often chosen from these clerkships more white and male. Finally, with the 2020 Census fully tabulated, we have the decennial struggle for which states will lose or gain seats in the House – but no one should be losing any, given that there’s no Constitutional reason to have the number of Representatives frozen. All that and more on TMI for Friday, May 7th, 2021! Listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Corporate Malfeasance Episode Equality Homelessness Media misinformation union WSUM

TMI 04/30/2021 – The Discrimination of “Low Skill” Jobs, Nonwhite Millennials Suffer Greater Wealth Inequality, and How City-bought Housing Actually Solves Housing Crisis

If you knew your worth to your employer, you’d almost certainly not put up with the sliver of that worth that they pay you to work for them. One of the tricks used to keep you from demanding more for the hours of your life you spend laboring is to call MANY jobs “low skill”. We examine this falsehood that is meant to make you feel bad for wanting to have your needs met while making the boss rich.

Then, we look at the famous disparity of wealth between Millenials and past generations, and how, when sorted racially, that disparty gets much worse. Finally, we see that cities have found a solution to the housing crisis plaguing them: buy housing up and manage it for those in need! All this and much more on TMI for Friday, May 17, 2021 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Black Economy Black Wall Street BLM Donald Trump Episode Equality Homelessness Media Occupy Madison Occupy Wall Street Presidential Politics Tiny Houses WSUM

TMI 10/16/2020 – Occupy the Solution with Brenda Konkel, Create the Institution with Killer Mike, and Smell the Delusion in the Swing States

On this episode of TMI:

Homelessness plagues America, and Madison, Wisconsin is no exception to the issue. Candidates and office-holders bemoan the problem, but a true SOLUTION is being put forward by Occupy Madison. Brenda Konkel joins us to share what OM’s plans are for their SECOND Tiny Home village, an improvement over their already successful FIRST one – listen in, and find out what it means to take action!

Then – it’s known that the longer money stays within a community, the better that community does financially. While a dollar spent in the white-owned economy stays active for weeks, a dollar spent in the black community leaves within just six hours. Enter Killer Mike and his backers, creating Greenwood Bank, a black-owned institution that will help give black and latinx people an even playing field in the economy.

Finally, we hear about how important “swing states” are  in the Presidential election, but we don’t often explore how polluted with misinformation these places can be. We explore this, and much more on TMI for Friday, October 16, 2020! Listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!