Episode Global Politics Henry Kissinger Homelessness Housing Crisis Immune System Jacobin Jeff Bezos Jessica Wildfire Jonah Walters OK Doomer WSUM

TMI 12/08/2023 – “The Good Die Young – The Verdict on Henry Kissinger” with Jonah Walters, Jeff Bezos’ Jekyll-and-Hyde on Homelessness, Jessica Wildfire’s Guide to the Immune System and more

We welcome Jonah Walters of Jacobin Magazine to discuss the new book he co-edited, “The Good Die Young – The Verdict on Henry Kissinger”, and go over the broad influence Kissinger wove around the world in his over 100 years of life. You won’t want to miss this, or the new book, which is available via

Then we expose how Jeff Bezos’ donations to organizations fighting homelessness across the USA sets up a horrific contrast to his 400% larger investment in a company that will make the housing crisis here WORSE. Finally, we check in on Jessica Wildfire’s OK Doomer, to find that she’s compiled a truly useful list of what we need to keep our immune systems strong in the face of rampant disease. All this and more on TMI for Friday, December 08, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Billionaires Blue Origin Elon Musk Episode Free Jeff Bezos Josh Wardle Mars Migration New York Times Space SpaceX Wordle WSUM

TMI 02/04/2022 – Wordle Wants to be Free, Reign of the Space Lords, More

From its origins just a few months ago until now, Wordle has become the simple little online game that took over many people’s Facebook newsfeeds and more – just in time for the New York Times to swoop in and buy it from Josh Wardle. Oh, the NYT promises it will remain free… for an introductory period. Mr. Wardle couldn’t rightly turn down the money thrown at him, but wonders why we can’t just have nice free things? Turns out you can – we explain how.

Then, once the domain of governmental achievement, the space race has become the realm of – and plaything of – the hyper-wealthy. These “space lords” all have flowery language to describe their visions of the future, but a quick look at their own past and present shows that we may not enjoy the actual outcomes that result from their designs. We discuss all this and much more on TMI for Friday, February 4, 2022 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!