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TMI 04/30/2021 – The Discrimination of “Low Skill” Jobs, Nonwhite Millennials Suffer Greater Wealth Inequality, and How City-bought Housing Actually Solves Housing Crisis

If you knew your worth to your employer, you’d almost certainly not put up with the sliver of that worth that they pay you to work for them. One of the tricks used to keep you from demanding more for the hours of your life you spend laboring is to call MANY jobs “low skill”. We examine this falsehood that is meant to make you feel bad for wanting to have your needs met while making the boss rich.

Then, we look at the famous disparity of wealth between Millenials and past generations, and how, when sorted racially, that disparty gets much worse. Finally, we see that cities have found a solution to the housing crisis plaguing them: buy housing up and manage it for those in need! All this and much more on TMI for Friday, May 17, 2021 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

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