25th Amendment Donald Trump Episode False Prophets Joe Biden Kamala Harris Leslie James Pauly Likens Predictions Presidential Politics Project 2025 Transgender Transphobia Uber Girl WSUM

TMI 07/12/2024 – Uber Girl’s Essay on False Prophets and the Murder of Pauly Likens, A Deep Dive Into the Future of President Biden’s Campaign for Re-election, more

TMI starts differently than usual, with Aldous reading you a short essay written by Leslie “Uber Girl” James on how, far too often, we find people using religion to control, to harm, to encourage others to hate. She masterfully delves into how these false prophets and their twisted agenda led directly to the brutal murder of 14 year old Pauly Likens, a child who was not protected by the loving God these men claim to represent.

Continuing the unusual episode, we then dive deeply into the legitimate issues surrounding the viability of President Joe Biden’s campaign to be re-elected in November. The solutions offered should only be used in desperate need, but how much more desperate a need is there than defeating Trump and Project 2025? All this and more on TMI for Friday, July 12, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Climate Climate Finance COP26 Episode Equality Fascism Global Politics Hiatus Mental Health New Dark Age New Enlightenment Peace Predictions WSUM

TMI 11/12/2021 – How the USA Uses “Climate Finance” Ambiguity to Not Pay for Climate Crisis Agreements, How We Face Either a New Dark Ages or a New Enlightenment, More

At the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26) climate conference, there’s been a renewed call to have “climate finance” defined in such a way that keeps things like loans out of the picture. After all, “climate finance” is the funding put forward to help nations that need assistance to help them become greener, and if it includes (via ambiguity) such things as predatory loans or comes with strings attached, it discourages those we want to ENCOURAGE to adapt. Worse, it gives the loaning countries the expectation that what they “spend” on climate finance will actually come back to them, leaving less actual revenue put towards the effort than the manipulated numbers tell.

Then, we explore how financial desperation is fueling fear and ignorance globally, and how we are doomed to a dark age… unless we can succeed in bringing about a new enlightenment! All this and much more on TMI for Friday, November 12, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media.

Artificial Intelligence Climate Cognition Con artist Episode Equality Fracking Global Politics Media Occupy Wall Street Political Language Populism Predictions Science Ted Cruz WSUM

TMI 01/01/2021 – New Year’s Predictions for 2030, Why We Love Grifters and Ted Cruz is Scum

Continuing a tradition done on TMI first on the 1/1/2011 episode, we are not going to do a Year in Review, but rather we are going to do a decade in review for 2021-2030: checking in with expert opinion on where we can expect to be in 2030 and how we can get there! Why not review the future? We’ve already BEEN through the past! Next, we have a sincere look at why we’re fascinated by grifters; people who play on our trust of our fellow human beings for their own benefit, often at our loss. Despite that, we can’t get enough tales of how they operate. Finally, we see that Ted Cruz and so many others have been honing their griftcraft over the upcoming Georgia Senate runoff elections, sending out ads and emails, fundraising while proclaiming they need to protect the Senate… without much (or even ANY) of the funds raised going to the Georgia races. All that and more for TMI’s first episode of 2021 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!