2021 Capitalism Capitol Building Attack CDC COVID-19 Critical Race Theory CRT Episode History Insurrection January 6 Political Language QAnon Riot Science WSUM

TMI 12/31/2021 – GOP Used CRT Used as Distraction in 2021, CDC Sides with Money over Science, the USA is Due for a Rebirth for the Fifth Time, More

Eschewing the ordinary year-in-review, we go over the events of 2021 that are actually worth reviewing. This includes CRT protests being used as a distraction from how the January 6th investigation was not going well for the GOP, how many more people were getting badly affected by the climate crisis, and that there was no room in the debate for helping people out financially – oh no, they wanted you to look away from all of that in order to see them roaring over how “critical race theory teaches our children to hate America”. Look for Black History Month protests this coming February.

Then, we examine the pro-corporate and flawed guidance given by the CDC regarding shortening the guidelines for COVID isolation, declaring “we can’t take science in a vacuum”… because what about the MONEY??, the science be damned. Finally, we look at how the USA had been reborn in essence four times since its foundation, and how we are due for a fifth one any day now. All that and more on TMI for Friday, December 31, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

BLM Cognition Colin Kaepernick Critical Race Theory CRT Defund the Police Episode George Floyd Police Brutality Policing Reform Science White Supremacy WSUM

TMI 10/15/2021 – Defund to Refund the Police, Kaepernick says “Abolish the Prisons”, Corvid Consciousness Confirmed

Last year, measures went nationwide to rein in the outlandish spending on municipal law enforcement (much of which embellished them with military-grade hardware). This attempt to slow the militarization of our local police forces, which tended to disproportionately affect black Americans, has since been quickly shuffled back into their budgets this year. We analyze why and what can be done as an alternative.

Then, Colin Kaepernick has a publishing company, and its first book discusses the history of the “Abolish the Prisons” movement. and how this idea needs to be re-examined now more than ever. Finally, we look at how scientists have been able to suss out what appears to be unmistakable evidence that crows and ravens possess sentient thought. All this and more on TMI for Friday, October 15, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media.

Congress Critical Race Theory CRT Episode GOP Infrastructure K-12 Education Obstruction WSUM

TMI 07/16/2021 – Why CRT is Under Attack in K-12, The Unreal Cost of American Infrastructure, and What GOP Obstruction in Congress Means for Next Two Years

Given the complete ignorance almost everyone in the United States has about Critical Race Theory (except, of course, listeners of TMI), why is there such an outcry against it being taught in grade school? We examine. Then, we compare how little other countries spend compared to the USA for what amounts to better infrastructure, and why this is normally the case? Finally, we chart out the most likely course for the GOP and its devotion to Congressional obstruction over the next two years. All this and much more on TMI for Friday, July 16, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Black Wall Street BLM COVID-19 Critical Race Theory CRT Episode History Media Objective News Student Debt Relief WSUM

TMI 06/18/2021 – You Can’t Be Against Critical Race Theory and For Good History, TMI’s Top 10 Objective News Sources, and how Student Debt Relief is Being Used as Lottery Prizes for COVID Vaccinations

On this week’s TMI, we examine what Critical Race Theory is, how it stems from a need to accurately report on the history of the United States’ treatment of race, and how being against teaching it equates being against history teachers teaching history. Next, we go over some of TMI’s favorite sources for news, due to these sources’ ability to unclutter fact from opinion, and give you the most clear-eyed information available. Finally, we report on how Student Debt Relief, a promise of the Biden campaign for all, is now being dangled as a lottery prize to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations. More vaccination is a good thing, but keeping Student Debt Relief from everyone while using it like this? That’s a BAD look. All this and much more on TMI for Friday, June 18, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!