536 CE/AD Big Oil Climate Cognition Community Congress Episode Reactance Resident Owned Communities ROC USA Warren Buffett WSUM

TMI 05/03/2024 – The World Ending Isn’t Enough to Alarm Many, Resident Owned Communities are Fighting Back Against Corporate Housing, Congress Releases Report Accusing Big Oil of Climate Conspiracy

In a world teetering on the brink, why do some remain unfazed by impending doom? Delving into the human psyche we exploring the paradox of apathy and even reactionary anger in the face of global catastrophe. It’s not just cognitive dissonance or existential fatigue, this process has been known as reactance. And despite that we have all the warning signs that we are entering the worst time period in over 1500 years, it has a chokehold on our ability to react as a society.

Then, meet the unsung heroes of neighborhood resilience! The Resident Owned Community cooperative housing model (championed by ROC USA) is winning legal battles against corporate giants like Warren Buffett, allowing ordinary residents to reclaim their housing and build a future where community triumphs over profit. Finally, we discuss the explosive congressional report that implicates oil magnates in a web of deception. All this and more on TMI for Friday, May 03, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Best of TMI Community Episode Freedom Science Sociology Time Ukraine War World War III WSUM

BEST OF TMI 01/28/2022 – Is It Really Community vs. “Freedom”?, World War III – Your Table is Ready, and There is No Absolute “Time”, More


Society seems pretty well torn in two, and the odd thing about it is that there appears to be mostly a conflict between those who want to focus on building and uplifting community between each other and those who prize, above all else, what they have been TOLD it means to be “free”. We examine this fundamental breakdown in communication to hopefully better prepare you to help heal the rifts so we can focus on the billionocracy that is keeping us ALL down.

Then, reports from Ukraine not the only things that are echoing the beginnings of historic, major wars. The fact that there are multiple major places of unrest boiling up simultaneously calls back to how wars like World War I, World War II and other major wars began. We discuss.

Finally, we examine the most current understandings of the nature of time itself, which may surprise you. After all, it has been completely proven that the closer you get to the surface of the Earth, the SLOWER time moves. Can there be any absolute notion of time when it bends depending on your location? All this and much more on TMI for Friday, January 28, 2022 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Community Episode Freedom Science Sociology Time Ukraine War World War III WSUM

TMI 01/21/2022 – Is It Really Community vs. “Freedom”?, World War III – Your Table is Ready, and There is No Absolute “Time”, More

Society seems pretty well torn in two, and the odd thing about it is that there appears to be mostly a conflict between those who want to focus on building and uplifting community between each other and those who prize, above all else, what they have been TOLD it means to be “free”. We examine this fundamental breakdown in communication to hopefully better prepare you to help heal the rifts so we can focus on the billionocracy that is keeping us ALL down.

Then, reports from Ukraine not the only things that are echoing the beginnings of historic, major wars. The fact that there are multiple major places of unrest boiling up simultaneously calls back to how wars like World War I, World War II and other major wars began. We discuss.

Finally, we examine the most current understandings of the nature of time itself, which may surprise you. After all, it has been completely proven that the closer you get to the surface of the Earth, the SLOWER time moves. Can there be any absolute notion of time when it bends depending on your location? All this and much more on TMI for Friday, January 21, 2022 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!