Anthem Blue Cross Brewster Kahle Copyright Episode Humana Internet Archive Libraries Medicare Medicare Advantage UnitedHealth WSUM

TMI 10/06/2023 – Corporate “Medicare Advantage” Plans Bilk Billions from the Government, The Internet Archive’s Loss in Court Could Also Be Our Loss and more

Starting back in 2003, private health coverage companies like UnitedHealth, Anthem Blue Cross, Humana and others were allowed to offer “Medicare Advantage” plans to senior citizens and the disabled who qualified for Medicare. Since then, those corporations have figured out how to lie, cheat and swindle the US Government for well over $100,000,000,000.00 – we’re talking the level of the net worth of people like Warren Buffet and Jeff Bezos – every YEAR, all while providing their members WORSE health outcomes that cost them MORE. We investigate.

Then, the Internet Archive has been an online library for years now, but when founder Brewster Kahle decided he’d help people suffering via COVID lockdown by releasing all constraints on the Internet Archive’s access to copyrighted works, publishing houses sued, and WON. We look at how this loss could spell the end of libraries as we have known them. All this and more on TMI for Friday, October 06, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Chat piles Eagle-Picher Episode Humana James Inhofe Lead Medicare Medicare Advantage Oklahoma Quapaw Superfund Tar Creek United Heath WSUM Zinc

TMI 07/07/2023 – How Medicare “Advantage” Plans Harm Their Members and the Future of Medicare, Picher, Oklahoma is a Case Study for Why We Need Progressive Policies and more

A relatively recent addition to Medicare, “Medicare Advantage” plans allow private health corporations to get involved with the decision-making process between a patient and their doctor. Given that these profit-driven companies make more short-term money by denying care than by providing it, this turns the promise of the federal Medicare fund on its head. We examine several examples.

Then, we look at the history of what is now known as Picher, Oklahoma, and how every step of the way conservative, racist and corporate-friendly policies created possibly the worst ecological and human disaster in the USA. All this and more on TMI for Friday, July 07, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!