Artery Plaque Climate Episode Freshwater Cycle Microplastics Women's History Month WSUM

TMI 03/15/2024 – Women’s History Month’s Own History is Important Women’s History, Microplastics Present in Every Human Placenta, Global Freshwater Cycle Overwhelmed, February 2024 Sets Record, more

Women’s History Month isn’t merely a month to increase awareness of women’s historical accomplishments – it in itself IS a piece of women’s history, being pioneered BY women. We give these brave historians their due and in so doing point towards the continuing struggle to have women’s role in academia fully appreciated. Then, we discuss how microplastics have infiltrated the most intimate spaces of human biology, including every human placenta in a recent study. This, along with how microplastics have shown up in increasing frequency in human artery plaque, serves as a stark reminder of the pervasive impact of plastic pollution on our health and well-being.

Next, we explore the intricate dance of Earth’s freshwater cycle, as a recent study illuminated the overwhelming strain it has been put under by human activity since the mid-20th century. Finally, we confront how February 2024 marked the ninth consecutive month of setting all-time record high temperatures. All this and more on TMI for Friday, March 15, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!