Doug Cunningham Episode International Workers' Day Loyalty Day Socialism Taking Back Socialism Workers Independent News WSUM

TMI 5/03/2014: Doug Cunningham’s Loyalty to Labor, the Many Flavors of Socialism, and much more!

This Thursday, May 1st, has been celebrated since the 1890’s as “International Workers’ Day”, but this year, President Obama came out to celebrate “Loyalty Day” on the first of May, a holiday designation meant to replace a recognition of all that workers do for society with a celebration of “the reaffirmation of loyalty to the United States and for the recognition of the heritage of American freedom”. To discuss this and many other labor-related issues, I invited the man I know who is most loyal to the labor movement, Doug Cunningham of Workers Independent News, to join us and discuss where we are, where we are going, and how celebrating workers is possibly the best way to recognize the heritage of American freedom.

Then, you may agree with Socialism and not even be aware of it. How? Well, for one thing, Socialism isn’t one big monolithic concept – it has many flavors and variations, some of which disagree strongly with the rest. To help illustrate the different types of Socialism, we’ll be joined by the admins of “Taking Back Socialism”, a lively Facebook page devoted to promoting education and discussion about Socialist causes.

All that and much more today on TMI, airing live at noon Central on WSUM FM (91.7 in Madison, everywhere) – make sure to tune in for the Cure for the Common Media.