Electoral Politics Episode Populism Progressive Policy WSUM

TMI 6/21/2014 – The Wedge that Keeps Populism Divided, and much more!

There could be a vibrant populist movement in the United States of America. Any time a government-for-the-People progressive candidate gets through the myriad political traps laid down by the status-quo parties, they find a large amount of support from the citizenry. Libertarian-minded candidates also find plenty of popular support thanks to their individual-rights stances. Even the Tea Party only fared as well as they did because they dressed themselves up in populist rhetoric.

So why isn’t there a broad coalition of people-power politicos making waves? I believe I’ve identified the wedge, the issue that keeps us from doing this, and I’ll go over it live on the air, and much more at noon Central on WSUM FM, 91.7 in Madison and everywhere! Tune in for your Cure for the Common Media.

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