Big Oil Bill McKibben Carbon Footprint Cleantech Climate Cognition Conversation David Robson Episode The Crucial Years The Laws of Connection WSUM

TMI 06/14/2024 – Examining the Intersecting S-Curves of Change in Renewable Energy and Fossil Fuel Use and Technology, A Scientific Look at How to Have Better Conversations, more

On this episode, we discuss how Bill McKibben lays out in his blog “The Crucial Years” the fact that advances in renewable energy technology and adoption are forming an “S-curve” where the slope of increase is moving sharply upwards, leading us into a future where the slope of decrease on reliance on fossil fuels will drop off just as sharply. Our goal now is to make these dueling curves meet in time to save ourselves from the worst of the climate catastrophe’s effects.

Then, we take a serious scientific look at how to improve our ability to communicate via conversation, taking a page out of the (literal) book “The Laws of Connection” by David Robson to increase our awareness of the common pitfalls that keep us from making those all-important connections with our fellow human beings. All this and more on TMI for Friday, June 14, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

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