Episode Food Apartheid Food Desert Jessica Wildfire LGBTQ+ OK Doomer ProPublica Region-Beta Paradox WSUM

TMI 08/30/2024 – Why Things Improve Most When They’re Terrible, ProPublica Examines the Failure to Reclaim Food Deserts, a Federal Judge Rules Trans Teen May Play Soccer in Female Team, more

Jessica Wildfire of OK Doomer wrote a piece this week that lost her more than a few subscribers, which is a shame given that it tells us a very important truth: that we often only improve things when faced with a horrible fate. The Region-Beta Paradox is important to understand, and we use Jessica’s plain-language distillation to get a grip on it.

Then, we head over to look at the national effort to combat food deserts (or as is catching on more lately, food apartheid). ProPublica reported on how the millions poured into founding local grocery stores in the middle of these under-served regions have met with frustrations and failure that can only be explained by understanding how these conditions began in the first place – we go over it all. Finally, we talk about a bright spot: a trans teen was allowed to play with her supportive cisgender teammates on a female soccer team, challenging the hateful ban in favor of community and joy. All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 30, 2024 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

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