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TMI 10/22/2021 – Squid Game’s Scathing Satire of Capitalism is Misrepresented by Horrified Capitalists, Nobel in Econ is Worth Talking About, the Rarity of Offworld Life Makes This World Important

The enormously popular Netflix series “Squid Game” has caught a lot of attention politically for the obvious yet unshakable satire of capitalism that it provides, clearly illustrating how ruthless and inhuman acts are virtually the only way to “win the game”. However, those who champion the capitalist nightmare we are in cannot allow (or even fathom) this sharp attack to go unanswered, going to so far as to take the creator’s quoted purpose of the series and flatly saying he’s wrong. We expose these denials and the mendacious folks behind them, and show you how to detect bad analysis about the series.

Then, this year’s Nobel Prize in Economics is actually worth talking about, as it recognizes the shift from ideological economics (which has people believing harmful nonsense about immigrants and the minimum wage) to evidence-based economics. Finally, we give an overview of how a habitable planet does NOT equal one that will spontaneously grow life of its own, and break down the beautiful rarity our own planet is. Given that, maybe we should protect it more strenuously? All that and much more on TMI for Friday, October 22, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

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