COVID-19 disinformation Faiz Shakir Google misinformation union

TMI 03/19/2021 – The More Perfect Union Project w/ Faiz Shakir, What it Will Take for Post-COVID “Normal”, Search Engines Spread Disinfo By Design

Weekends, employer-provided health coverage, overtime pay, a ban on child labor – these are all benefits to society as a whole thanks to unions. Faiz Shakir, formerly of the Bernie Sanders campaign, knows all too well about how unions have been falling in membership size and power, and seeks to restore them via the More Perfect Union project. We discuss.

Then, we look seriously at what it is going to take to return to a pre-COVID normal – or if that is even possible. Finally we take on disinformation at its most unlikely source: search engines! That’s right, the way Bing or Google serve you up answers also serves you up with topics you LIKE, not necessarily ones that are correct. All this and more on TMI for Friday, March 19, 2021! Listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!