Banks Episode Inspector General Justice Department Medical Marijuana Obama Administration WSUM

TMI 5/31/2014 – Are Banks Too Big to Sue, Mary Jane’s Day in Congress and More!

The Inspector General’s Office issued a report in March  that showed the failure of the Justice Department to treat prosecuting those responsible for the massive mortgage fraud as any real priority. Banks misbehaving may not shock you, but a recent report on how those who are supposed to investigate and prosecute these crimes are instead PROTECTING the banks might get your attention.

Then, you may be aware that, under the Obama Administration, the Justice Department has found plenty of time and resources to go after places that are, under local and state laws, legally dispensing medical marijuana. Well, time they may have, but the resources might be about to dry up. In a virtually unheard-of move for this do-nothing Congress, the House this week voted to protect medical marijuana. We’ll detail how. That and much more on TMI for Saturday, May 31, 2014, airing live on WSUM FM, 91.7 in Madison and everywhere.  Tune in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Categories CIA Cowboy Indian Alliance Episode KeystoneXL Maria Langholz Obama Administration Reject and Protect Tar Sands TC Energy TransCanada WSUM

TMI 4/12/2014 – The Cowboy Indian Alliance vs. Keystone XL and Much More!

There’s been a lot of talk in the news lately of the CIA, and TMI will join in… about a completely different CIA. The Cowboy Indian Alliance, a group of ranchers, farmers and tribal communities from along the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline route, are planning to ride into Washington DC and set up camp near the White House to tell President Obama to reject the pipeline. Joining us to talk about it is Maria Langholz, who is one of a multitude of activists who, on April 26th, will join this new “CIA” for a final message that the Keystone XL pipeline and the tar sands must be rejected to protect this generation, and those yet to come. She’s putting together a bus to take interested activists to DC on a route from Minneapolis through Madison and Chicago – go to for all details on how to get on that bus.

All that and more today at noon Central on TMI with Aldous Tyler, airing live on WSUM 91.7FM in Madison, and streaming live on – don’t miss it!