Bitumen Bomb Trains Enbridge Episode James River KeystoneXL Steve Horn TransCanada WSUM

TMI 5/10/2014 – Keystone XL is Flowing, Enbridge Has Another, Bomb Trains in Milwaukee and more!

DeSmogBlog’s Research Fellow Steve Horn has been busy as ever reporting on how TransCanada’s Keystone XL is flowing – in the southern end, how Enbridge has more tar sands bitumen pipelines ready to go, and how “Bomb Trains” – that is, trains that carry oil in easily combustible tanker cars – are rolling through many cities near you, including Milwaukee! Think they aren’t that big a deal? Ask the residents of Lynchburg, Virginia, where one caught fire and spilled its flaming contents into the James River!

All that, your calls and much more on TMI! Call in at 608-265-9786 (608-265-WSUM) to join the conversation at Noon Central on WSUM FM (91.7 in Madison or everywhere!

Categories CIA Cowboy Indian Alliance Episode KeystoneXL Maria Langholz Obama Administration Reject and Protect Tar Sands TC Energy TransCanada WSUM

TMI 4/12/2014 – The Cowboy Indian Alliance vs. Keystone XL and Much More!

There’s been a lot of talk in the news lately of the CIA, and TMI will join in… about a completely different CIA. The Cowboy Indian Alliance, a group of ranchers, farmers and tribal communities from along the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline route, are planning to ride into Washington DC and set up camp near the White House to tell President Obama to reject the pipeline. Joining us to talk about it is Maria Langholz, who is one of a multitude of activists who, on April 26th, will join this new “CIA” for a final message that the Keystone XL pipeline and the tar sands must be rejected to protect this generation, and those yet to come. She’s putting together a bus to take interested activists to DC on a route from Minneapolis through Madison and Chicago – go to for all details on how to get on that bus.

All that and more today at noon Central on TMI with Aldous Tyler, airing live on WSUM 91.7FM in Madison, and streaming live on – don’t miss it!

Abortion Dayna Long Episode FBI KeystoneXL National Organization for Women NOW TransCanada WSUM

TMI 3/15/2014: Defending the Rights of Pregnant Women with NOW and ISO, How the USA is Pushing for Canada’s Tar Sands, and more!

Dayna Long of NOW joins us via the phone today to talk about defending the rights of pregnant women, something that NOW is joining up with the ISO to discuss here in Madison on Wed, March 26th.

Then, we’ll delve into how the FBI and other American government entities have been supporting TransCanada in getting the Keystone XL Pipeline. If you think this is a matter of “Canada versus the USA” you’ve got another think coming: most of those benefiting are corporations who know no national allegiance, and have corrupted our governments to use our collective tax dollars for their ends, not ours.

All that and much more on today’s TMI, airing live at noon on WSUM 91.7FM in Madison, WI and live streaming everywhere via – tune in and don’t miss it!

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