Anthony R. Inagraffea Election Integrity Electoral Politics Episode Fracking Voter ID WSUM

TMI 9/13/2014 – Anthony Ingraffea and the Science of Fracking, Walker’s Stunning Voter I.D. Win, and much more!

We’ve discussed fracking – the practice formally called hydraulic fracturing – and have had on Steve Horn of DeSmogBlog and others to tell us what the oil and gas industry is up to with implementing it. Today we warmly welcome Anthony R. Inagraffea, Dwight C. Baum Professor of Engineering and Weiss Presidential Teaching Fellow at Cornell University, who knows the actual scientific and engineering principles behind fracking. We’ll discuss what parts of the hydraulic fracturing process have been shown to be environmentally hazardous, and what parts, if any, have been shown to be safe. You want the facts? We’ve got them.

Then, a Federal Appeals Court on Friday overturned a lower-court ban on Wisconsin’s Voter ID law. There has been no small amount of misunderstanding about why this law is a problem, so we will analyze it and see how this could truly make a mess of the voting process on November 4.

All that and more on TMI for Saturday the 13th of September, 2014, airing live at noon Central on WSUM FM 91.7 in Madison and streaming live at anywhere! Don’t miss your Cure for the Common Media!

Dale Schultz Devil's Advocates Radio Dom Salvia Electoral Politics Episode First Amendment Mike Crute Scott Walker Solidarity Sing Along Voter ID WSUM

TMI 3/22/2014: Fighting the Silencing Governor with Mike Crute of The Devil’s Advocates Radio, and more!

Mike Crute, with his co-host Dom Salvia, run The Devil’s Advocates Radio program on The Mic 92.1 FM here in Madison. It is designed to offer a place for differing points of view, and thanks to that managed to get an exclusive interview with GOP State Senator Dale Schultz, wherein Senator Schultz vehemently decried his own party’s plan to suppress the vote.

But that’s not the only way Dom and Crute have been fighting Scott Walker’s campaign of silencing his opposition: by spontaneously joining in the Solidarity Sing Along once, Mike Crute (as well as Dom Salvia) were arrested. His defense attorney won his case on First Amendment grounds, clearing the way for many other arrested singers… but that story is not over yet. Listen in!

We’ll have that and much more on TMI today at noon Central on WSUM 91.7FM in Madison, or streaming live via and – tune in!