Episode KeystoneXL

TMI 3/08/2014: Climate Denial Denied, Chicago’s New Pet(Coke), Steve Horn and more!

Today on TMI: several times over the past few months, the Fed has been forced to adjust downward it’s financial reports for those same periods of time. Why? They’re blaming the  underperformance on freakishly bad weather. At some point they may pull their heads out of the sand and realize that climate change is going to be a recurring problem for their ability to predict fiscal benefit. Steve Horn of knows another very influential outfit that has just come out with warnings on how the climate crisis is a “threat multiplier”, and no, we’re not talking about Chipotle.

Steve joins us live in studio to discuss that as well as how the windy city had gotten wind of a new pet in the Calumet River neighborhood: petcoke, by-product of tar sands bitumen refining. Suddenly, kids in the neighborhood were being forced to stay indoors – for their own protection. Steve will help us get to the bottom of it.
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All that and much more today on TMI at noon on WSUM 91.7FM in Madison, or via live streaming on or Tune in!

Episode Fracking KeystoneXL

TMI 3/01/2014: The XL Factor, TPP Fiction vs. Fact, SCOTUS Interruptus and More!

The public comment period on the approval of the Keystone XL tar sands bitumen pipeline ends in under a week – March 7th! We’ll give a deep look at the current state of affairs surrounding this showdown between those who care about the earth and those for whom the almighty dollar is king.

Then: the trouble with the secret Trans-Pacific Partnership is that it is SECRET, meaning that those who want to make it happen have so few ways to be fact-checked. However, thanks to leaked documents, we can see that some of the most soothing claims mad in favor of it are completely and utterly false.
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Finally: It’s very rare to hear that the Supreme Court has been interrupted by someone sitting in the chamber, but that’s just what happened this week: we’ll discuss why. All that and more live at noon Central on TMI for Saturday, March 1st, 2014, broadcast in Madison on WSUM 91.7FM and streamed live via and – tune in!

Episode KeystoneXL

TMI 2/01/2014: BOP’s Bi Betterment Blueprint, Steve Horn’s Supplemental Statement Surprise and more!

TMI’s first episode of February 2014 is a hot one!

Bisexuality doesn’t get much attention, and then when it does, it is rarely with clarity. Serving to help the Bi, Pan, Fluid, Queer, Unlabeled and Allied communities of the Upper Midwest, the Bisexual Organizing Project (BOP) (of which I was a board member ten years back) has just transitioned to a new board for 2014. Joining us to discuss what the bi community is, what it needs, and how that’s been addressed so far, is former BOP chair Lauren Beach and incoming BOP chair Camille Holthaus.

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All that and much more on TMI for Saturday, February 1st, 2014, live at noon Central on WSUM 91.7FM in Madison, streaming live everywhere via – tune in and get your cure for the common media!

Episode KeystoneXL

TMI 1/18/2014: Steve Horn on Train Bombs, Rick Staggenborg on Citizens United, and more!

On December 26th, after quietly passing both houses of Congress, President Obama signed into law a measure that expedites the use of fracking to obtain Bakken shale oil. Less than a week later, a train carrying Bakken shale oil exploded in North Dakota. Steve Horn of has the story and joins us to illuminate the situation.

Then, the time is growing short to get a constitutional amendment put through to take down Citizens United, the Supreme Court decision that allowed corporate money virtually unlimited access to the American electoral process. Rick Staggenborg has been stridently working towards making such an amendment a reality, and will join us in simulcast with his own talk show to point out the next steps needed.
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All that and much more today on TMI for Saturday, January 18, 2014 – tune in live at noon Central on 91.7 WSUM FM here in Madison, or stream it anywhere from TMI’s listen page at live! Either way, you’ll have the cure for the common media.

Episode KeystoneXL

TMI 12/7/2013: Activism’s Darker Side with Steve Horn and Carl Gibson, The War on non-Christmases and More!

As Steve Horn and Carl Gibson remind us, Serbia’s Srdja Popovic is known by many as a leading architect of regime changes in Eastern Europe and elsewhere since the late-1990s, and as one of the co-founders of Otpor!, the U.S.-funded Serbian activist group which overthrew Slobodan Milošević in 2000. However, this internationally-known activist has ties that will startle many who consider him an ally. Steve and Carl join us live in-studio to discuss. Click this player to listen now:

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Then, “Black Friday”, it is said, is the day when retail establishments finally turn a profit for the year… except that this is simply a falsehood, one of the many lies told us to make us feel sympathy for low-wage employers, and make us think they can’t possibly afford to do business with a higher minimum wage. No, we’ll explore this and show how opening on Thanksgiving did no good and notable harm to the workers, the shoppers and the retailers themselves, and how it represents the war being waged on anything NOT Christmas.
Finally, the threat of the Keystone XL pipeline is looming larger than ever, despite the repeated promises that the re-election of President Obama would allow him the political breathing room needed to nix the “fuse to the biggest carbon bomb on the planet.” All that and more on TMI for Saturday, December 7th, 2013, live at Noon Central in Madison on 91.7 WSUM FM or anywhere at the TMI Listen page at – Tune in to get your Cure for the Common Media!

Episode Fracking KeystoneXL

TMI 9/7/2013: Not Allowing Syria to Dominate the Media (with Steve Horn)

Syria. Our potentially launching a missile campaign against Assad there has put a stranglehold on the media conversation this week, and one cannot argue that it doesn’t deserve the attention… but there are other things that also deserve the spotlight. Joining us live in-studio for the hour is friend-of-the-show Steve Horn of DeSmogBlog and MintPress News with critical updates on the Keystone XL Pipeline, the domestic fracking situation and how all of that ties back to the American/Russian geopolitical struggle that put and keep Snowden and Syria in the headlines. BONUS: Here’s the article we previewed on this episode – read it now! Listen to the whole episode, or in the original three segments, below:

Listen the the entire episode!


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Listen to part 1

Listen to part 2

Listen to part 3

Episode Fracking KeystoneXL

TMI 7/20/2013: Gen. Petraeus’ Fracking Connections, ERM and More!

Did you know that refining tar sands actually cleans the air? Glad you said “no”, because it doesn’t, but Environmental Resources Management, who conducted the Keystone XL environmental impact statement wants you to think so! And this is the contractor group the Obama Administration is replying on to say if the Keystone XL pipeline is safe? Steve Horn joined us to discuss his piece on that as well as on how General David Petraeus has a seminar coming to CUNY this fall that uses loads of industry-spun data on fracking. Then, Al Suarez joined us to discuss the Edward Snowden Venezuela connections. All that and much more happened. Check out the podcasts below and get The Cure for the Common Media!

Tar Sands’ Clean AIr & Gen. Petraeus’ Fracking with Steve Horn

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Edward Snowden’s Venezuelan Connections with Al Suarez


When an Activist Becomes a Terrorist

Steve Horn joins us tomorrow, and just in time to discuss his latest:

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Documents recently obtained by Bold Nebraska show that TransCanada – owner of the hotly-contested Keystone XL (KXL) tar sands pipeline – has colluded with an FBI/DHS Fusion Center in Nebraska, labeling non-violent activists as possible candidates for “terrorism” charges and other serious criminal…