Bernie Sanders Democratic Party Episode Gubernatorial Politics Mary Jo Walters Patrick Walker Presidential Politics WSUM

TMI 10/25/2014 – Another Party Heard From with Mary Jo Walters on Wisconsin and Patrick Walker on Politics

Mary Jo Walters is running a campaign to represent the people of Wisconsin as Governor (after trying to run for Lt. Governor), but she’s not about to limit herself to the two big parties to do it! We’ll have her live in studio to discuss what it means to run outside the system. Then, Patrick Walker has been thinking about how Bernie Sanders may run for President in 2016, and he thinks that should be as a Democrat – but not so Bernie can be co-opted!

We’ll have all that and much more on TMI for 10/25/2014, broadcasting live at noon Central on WSUM 91.7 FM Madison or streaming live on anywhere. Tune in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Episode Media WSUM

TMI 10/18/2014 – The Cure for the Common Media

On TMI this week: Aldous will take on media laziness and malpractice while taking your comments and questions live at 608-265-9786 (265-WSUM) starting at noon Central on WSUM 91.7 FM in Madison and simulcast live via streaming at – tune in and call in for your cure for the common media!

Abortion Big Oil Bitumen Episode Karen Middleton KeystoneXL NARAL Personhood Pro-choice SCOTUS Steve Horn Tar Sands Women's Rights WSUM

TMI 10/11/2014 – No KXL Required with Steve Horn, Colorado’s Push for “Personhood” with Karen Middleton, and SCOTUS Interruptus!

Usually, I prefer a relaxed attitude about things: no jacket required, open mic nights, etc. In the case of big oil, however, I make an exception: they want to bring Alberta tar sands bitumen to market, no Keystone XL required… and it looks like they’ve managed it. Steve Horn joins us to discuss how this came to be while we were focused on KXL.

Then, have you heard of “Personhood”? It’s the concept that a fertilized egg has the same rights as a full human being. It comes up every few years, but this time it’s been reframed in an insidious new way that tricked former opponents into backing it. Karen Middleton, Executive Director of NARAL Pro-Choice Colorado, joins us to help sort it out and pin down where in America is facing this new threat to women’s rights.

Finally, the Supreme Court is issuing rulings left and right, some good, some bad, and many confusing. We’ll go over some of what’s going on with the nation’s highest court. Catch all that and more on TMI for Saturday, October 11, 2014, airing live at noon Central on WSUM FM 91.7 and streaming live everywhere on – get your dose of the Cure for the Common Media!

Electoral Politics Episode Fracking Income Inequality WSUM

TMI 10/04/2014 – You Don’t Know the Power of Economic Inquality, When Democracy Meets Fracking, When Democracy Meets Hong Kong and more!

When asked if they feel that income inequality is an issue, overwhelmingly Americans say yes, but when asked just how unequal, they say 30 to 1… and they’re wrong, by a lot. We’ll get into that, plus we’ll talk about what happened in Colorado when local communities wanted to keep fracking out via the power of the ballot box. Who their foes turned out to be may surprise you. Finally, we’ll go over the way forward in Hong Kong after their attempt to have their voices heard democratically. All that and much more on TMI for Saturday, October, 4, 2014, live at noon Central on WSUM FM 91.7 in Madison, and streaming live anywhere in the net-connected cosmos at – tune in for your Cure for the Common Media!