Carl Gibson Civil War COVID-19 Donald Trump Election Integrity Episode Presidential Politics WSUM

TMI 09/25/2020 – Carl Gibson Declares Second Civil War, Gov Evers Declares New Emergency, Wargaming Strategist Declares Dismay

Friend of TMI Carl Gibson joins us to discuss his piece at Free Chicken and Beer, entitled “Civil War II is Already Underway”, and how we need to fight to preserve the Union.

Then, we cover Governor Evers’ latest COVID-19 Emergency Order, and why it is we can’t seem to just cooperate to flatten the curve.

Finally, we discuss a piece from wargame designer (and military history buff) Mike Selinker that defines four possible outcomes of November’s Presidential election, and he agrees with Carl Gibson: it looks like civil war to him. All this and more on this episode of TMI for Friday, September 25th, 2020. Listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Climate Episode Facebook Global Politics Science WSUM

TMI 09/18/2020 – Facebook’s Arbitrary Involvement in Global Politics, and How Climate Migration Isn’t Just for the Birds

Former Facebook data scientist Sophie Zhang revealed activity across the world that, for her over two years with the company, Facebook gave her complete control and responsibility over, making her pick and choose which sabotaging political communications were to be blocked, and which allowed, causing her to conclude “I have blood on my hands.” We look deep into the geopolitical power that the platform is neglecting to use wisely.

Then, you’ve heard how birds and other animals migrate because of climate, but what about people? We look into how the current rise of ocean levels, persistence of horrific wildfires and battering by terrible storms will be shaping where people choose to live – if they CAN choose to. All this and more on TMI for Friday September 18th, 2020 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Book Review COVID-19 Donald Trump Episode Science WSUM

TMI 09/11/2020 – Sturgis and UW’s Common Thread, the Vanishing Scientific Journals, and Trump’s “Rage” with Woodward

When you think of the annual motorcycle rally in Sturgis, SD, you don’t usually make connections to the campus of UW Madison – but 2020 being what it is, there’s an unfortunate resemblance this time. We’ll go over that.

Then, there have been dozens of scientific journals that have disappeared in the last few years, causing potential research gaps of alarming proportions.

Finally, we have a selection of the recorded conversations Bob Woodward had with President Trump – recorded with Trump’s permission! – for Woodward’s book “Rage”, and they are damning. If you wanted to hear it for yourself, this is your chance! All this and more on TMI for Friday September 11th, 2020! Listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Astronomy Climate COVID-19 Election Integrity Episode Presidential Politics Social Security WSUM

TMI 09/04/2020 – The Red Mirage, Social Security in Peril, the Woman who Changed a War, and the Cosmic Year

Looking forward to November 3rd, we are so used to thinking about Election Night as this huge decisive moment – but what if it wasn’t? We explore how, this year, things are almost certainly going to look very different, and the politicization of the pandemic will likely make the electoral map of November 3rd look very misleading – and much “redder” – than the final outcome when all mail in ballots are counted.

Then, we examine the timeline for Social Security under the current Executive Order, which robs the fund of the tax base that sustains it. The services many people you know depend on are in much more rapid jeopardy than you might think.

We give due recognition to a woman who changed the face of war, and occasionally the face of the weather forecast – but you’ve probably never heard of her.

Finally, we take a look NOT the solar year we call 2020, but the “cosmic year” – or how long it takes us to orbit around the center of our galaxy, and how things weren’t all that different the last time we were in this position, galactically. All this and MORE on this episode of TMI for Friday, September 4th, 2020 – get your dose of the Cure for the Common Media!

BLM Climate Episode Equality George Floyd Media WSUM

TMI 08/28/2020 – Blake Timeline, Laura’s Devastation, and Protests Work!

By now, the world has heard about the shooting of Jacob Blake seven times in the back, but of course, the facts surrounding it have already been spun by people trying to justify the murderous actions of the Kenosha officer and the 17 year old vigilante just days later. To combat that, we go through a complete timeline of the actual facts on hand, so be sure to listen in so you don’t get sucked into a false narrative.

Then, almost as if an illustration of last episode’s “Mama Ain’t Happy” segment, Hurricane Laura came sweeping in over western Louisiana and up into Arkansas. We recount what happened and how truly historic this storm was, the strongest to hit Louisiana in over a century and a half!

Finally, we go over a new NPR/Ipsos poll and challenge the common media spin on it, that somehow it shows that the George Floyd protests have been ineffective. Reading the actual data makes it clear that this is far from the truth! All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 28, 2020, broadcast at 5pm on WSUM 91.7FM in Madison, and streamed simultaneously via – but you can hear it here, now! Listen in: