Barack Obama BLM Body Cameras Bodycam Episode Police Brutality Policing Reform WSUM

TMI 12/29/2023 – An In-depth Look at the Decade of Police Bodycams, the Promise of Transparency and the Failure of Accountability

Ten years ago, Black Lives Matter was founded in response to the acquittal of George Zimmerman in shooting Trayvon Martin to death the year before, as well as the long history of the police and justice system failing to treat black lives with the same respect as others. The pressure caused by this rapidly growing movement forced police across the country to consider a new way to show that they took being held accountable seriously: the bodycam. In 2014, President Obama requested $263 Million in Federal funds be spent on equipping police with body camera technology. Finally, officers would know that they couldn’t abuse their power without being called on it.

The next decade, we now know, told a different tale. When being implemented, one key factor was left entirely up to the police themselves: control of bodycam footage. Given the ability to see what their fellow officers were doing on the streets every day, the police by and large decided no one else needed to see that. At best, the public could see highly-edited, police friendly versions of what happened, and that was often long after any reasonable accountability could result from it. It is not a wild claim to say that had bodycam footage been publicly accessible, George Floyd might still be alive today. We devote this episode of TMI to this truly crucial topic: why we reach for silver bullet solutions when reforming those wielding the silver guns is the best way of enacting effective change. All this and more on TMI for Friday, December 29, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Barack Obama Barbie Climate Climate Lawsuits Department of Justice Donald Trump Episode Feminism Greta Gerwig Joe Biden Male Liberation Masks Toxic Masculinity WSUM

TMI 09/01/2023 – BEST OF TMI – Barbie is About Liberation For All!; “There’s No Right to a Sustainable Climate”; Be Alarmed by “Don’t Panic” People; Masking is a Right and more


Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” movie has been maligned since it debuted as being a film that is full of hate for men. We note that this distortion is from an inability to see the real message the film sends to men everywhere: be free to be who YOU are. Could it be that the key to a better world starts with you? Find out.

Next, we look at the national version of the climate lawsuit that won its right to its day in court in Montana. Filed during the Obama Administration, that DOJ as well as Trump’s and Bidens have all said the same thing: you have no right to a sustainable climate. Then, we look at the growing problem of those who use the “don’t panic” motto until the problem is too big to be ignored, and often too late to be. Finally, we go over how, thanks to airborne diseases, you always have a right to wear a mask. All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 25, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Barack Obama Barbie Climate Climate Lawsuits Department of Justice Donald Trump Episode Feminism Greta Gerwig Joe Biden Male Liberation Masks Toxic Masculinity WSUM

TMI 08/25/2023 – Barbie is About Liberation For Women… and Men!; Obama, Trump and Biden: “There’s No Right to a Sustainable Climate”; Be Alarmed by “Don’t Panic” People; Masking is a Right and more

Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” movie has been maligned since it debuted as being a film that is full of hate for men. We note that this distortion is from an inability to see the real message the film sends to men everywhere: be free to be who YOU are. Could it be that the key to a better world starts with you? Find out.

Next, we look at the national version of the climate lawsuit that won its right to its day in court in Montana. Filed during the Obama Administration, that DOJ as well as Trump’s and Bidens have all said the same thing: you have no right to a sustainable climate. Then, we look at the growing problem of those who use the “don’t panic” motto until the problem is too big to be ignored, and often too late to be. Finally, we go over how, thanks to airborne diseases, you always have a right to wear a mask. All this and more on TMI for Friday, August 25, 2023 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Barack Obama Big Oil Bomb Trains Enbridge Episode KeystoneXL Steve Horn WSUM

TMI 1/31/2015 – Bomb Trains Roll Again, Tar Sands Pipeline Permits Issue Forth and more (with Steve Horn)

TransCanada’s Keystone XL Pipeline is still in the news: Congress debates it and the President threatens to veto it, all the while Enbridge has not only begun to expand its existing pipelines to carry the Tar Sands across our border at volumes equal to or greater than Keystone XL, but also has received new permitting from the Obama Administration for more! Steve Horn of joins us to discuss that and how the infamous oil-carrying rail cars that have detonated repeatedly have been allowed to continue rolling. All that and more for TMI Saturday January 31, 2015, airing live at noon Central on WSUM 91.7 FM or via live stream at – tune in for your Cure for the Common Media!