Dale Schultz Devil's Advocates Radio Dom Salvia Electoral Politics Episode First Amendment Mike Crute Scott Walker Solidarity Sing Along Voter ID WSUM

TMI 3/22/2014: Fighting the Silencing Governor with Mike Crute of The Devil’s Advocates Radio, and more!

Mike Crute, with his co-host Dom Salvia, run The Devil’s Advocates Radio program on The Mic 92.1 FM here in Madison. It is designed to offer a place for differing points of view, and thanks to that managed to get an exclusive interview with GOP State Senator Dale Schultz, wherein Senator Schultz vehemently decried his own party’s plan to suppress the vote.

But that’s not the only way Dom and Crute have been fighting Scott Walker’s campaign of silencing his opposition: by spontaneously joining in the Solidarity Sing Along once, Mike Crute (as well as Dom Salvia) were arrested. His defense attorney won his case on First Amendment grounds, clearing the way for many other arrested singers… but that story is not over yet. Listen in!

We’ll have that and much more on TMI today at noon Central on WSUM 91.7FM in Madison, or streaming live via and – tune in!

Episode Solidarity Sing Along

TMI 8/31/2013: Save the TRC, Speak Without Permits, and More!

The final day of August 2013 has us joined live in-studio by Brenda Konkel, Director of the Tenant Resource Center, who warns us that this valuable resource is about to have its budget hacked to smithereens – she helps us understand what the TRC does and why this is a truly cruel cut to lay at the feet of Madison and Dane County.

Save the Tenant Resource Center!

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Then, we’re fortunate enough to have in-studio Karen Vieth, blogger at Running Reflections, who will give us an update on the escalations of the actions of the Capitol Police at the Solidarity Sing Along – with the violent arrest of the Terrell brothers there, it seems to be truly out of hand, but Karen’s message is to speak out despite the violence or lack of permit.

Singing for Redress with Karen Veith

The Cure for the Common Media this week gives you all that and more – make sure to catch it each week at Noon Central on WSUM 91.7 FM and streaming live via the many options on TMI’s Listen page!

Episode Solidarity Sing Along

TMI 8/10/2013: The Devil’s Advocates Come Calling, and More!

One of the things I recommend to anyone who says the Common Media doesn’t serve us is to BE the media. Joining us on TMI are Mike Crute and Dom Salvia, who together decided to do just that. Starting in early 2012, they went on the air at The Mic 92.1FM (WXXM Madison) with The Devil’s Advocates Radio Show, a program that consists of a continuous intermingling of Progressive and Libertarian ideas, concepts and experiences from its differing hosts. By showing us that discussion, however frustrating it can be at times, can still be had by thoughtful people, they show us that if we devote ourselves to keeping the conversation going, we can reap great rewards. Recently, they both have personally experienced what it means to have your ability to safely petition your government for redress taken away, and that our current Governor is not interested in allowing a conversation.  Also, we’ve had Rep Alan Grayson on recently about his “Mind Your Own Business Act”, and perhaps pressure from progressives like him and the public brouhaha over the NSA leaks of Edward Snowden have inspired President Obama to order all intelligence agencies to disclose as much of their domestic spying programs as they can. I’d call that a win for Snowden – all that and more happened Saturday, August 10th at Noon Central  – catch the podcast!

Dancing with the Devil’s Advocates, Dom & Crute

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Episode Solidarity Sing Along

TMI 8/3/2013: DOMA’s Decomposition, the Capitol Crackdown and more!

TMI this week was Guest-eriffic! We had Brandon Barwick and Jim Murray, fresh from the Capitol Building in Madison, to discuss the recent crackdown on the Solidarity Sing Along protest there.  Also, covering the demise of DOMA, and its effect on state laws, we had Attorney Christopher Krimmer, a partner at Balisle & Roberson, S.C. as well as Devin Gatton of the Wisconsin chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans.  Finally, Victor Raymond and Cabell Gathman of Wisconsin 5-2-1 discussed their new initiative to help combat bi-erasure – all that happened Saturday, August 3rd at Noon Central on WSUM 91.7 FM – catch the podcasts, below!

Solidarity Sing Along Update w/ Brandon Barwick & Jim Murray

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Death of DOMA with Atty Christopher Krimmer and Devin Gatton
Wisconsin 5-2-1 with Victor Raymond and Cabell Gathman