Big Ag Episode GMOs Monsanto Pension Reform Pensions Raven Albrecht Ravenworks Steampunk WSUM

TMI 4/26/2014: How to Succeed with Steampunk and the Wild West, How to Fail with GMOs, and much more!

On TMI, we like to feature the success of good people, and not just the dire things we need to be mindful of. Raven Albrecht is one of the good ones. She started Ravenworks as a web-based business, opening her first brick-and-mortar store in early 2008. Most retail businesses that took that step that year are now gone, but Raven found her special mix of holding community events and continually finding ways to interact with her clientele in store and out allowed Ravenworks to not only survive but thrive! We’ll talk with her about that, and preview the upcoming Stonefield Wild West Steampunk event.

Then: thanks to the nature of GMO foods, there can be no solid basis to say if the practice is good or bad at its core. However, we can safely say that the way giant agricultural corporations like Monsanto are using GMO tech is good for virtually nothing but their profits. We’ll look at how GMO foods are not only being designed for commercial value first and nutritional value second, but how they are allowing these corporations to own the world’s food supply.

Finally, imagine that you’ve worked a steady job for decades, and that instead of getting paid more during that time, you deferred some of that into a pension fund so you would have money when you retire – money you earned. Lately, more and more pressure has been put by big corporations on public employers (cities, states, etc) to raid those pension funds to pay for completely unrelated expenses. While you might look to the judiciary to be unbiased in these cases, big players like Exxon/Mobil, Google and the Koch Brothers are inviting judges, all-expenses-paid, to a conference on how to “reform” these pensions to the benefit of their interests, not the interests of the workers. Weirdly, the secretive way these pensions are written may allow just that.

All that and more on today’s TMI, airing live at noon Central on WSUM FM (91.7 in Madison or anywhere) – tune in for your Cure for the Common Media.

Categories CIA Cowboy Indian Alliance Episode KeystoneXL Maria Langholz Obama Administration Reject and Protect Tar Sands TC Energy TransCanada WSUM

TMI 4/12/2014 – The Cowboy Indian Alliance vs. Keystone XL and Much More!

There’s been a lot of talk in the news lately of the CIA, and TMI will join in… about a completely different CIA. The Cowboy Indian Alliance, a group of ranchers, farmers and tribal communities from along the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline route, are planning to ride into Washington DC and set up camp near the White House to tell President Obama to reject the pipeline. Joining us to talk about it is Maria Langholz, who is one of a multitude of activists who, on April 26th, will join this new “CIA” for a final message that the Keystone XL pipeline and the tar sands must be rejected to protect this generation, and those yet to come. She’s putting together a bus to take interested activists to DC on a route from Minneapolis through Madison and Chicago – go to for all details on how to get on that bus.

All that and more today at noon Central on TMI with Aldous Tyler, airing live on WSUM 91.7FM in Madison, and streaming live on – don’t miss it!

Campaign Finance Citizens United Constitutional Right to Vote Episode Mark Pocan McCutcheon vs FEC Mike McCabe Wisconsin Democracy Campaign WSUM

TMI 4/05/2014: McCabe on McCutcheon, You Have No Right to Vote, and Much More!

In this week’s Supreme Court ruling on McCutcheon vs FEC, we saw what many are denouncing as “the end of democracy in America” and “Citizens United on steroids” – it certainly looks bad, but what exactly happened, and what are the most likely repercussions? I’m brushed up on the issue, but I cannot match the years of campaign finance expertise of Mike McCabe, of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign. He’ll join us to give us a clear view of it all.

Then, as if that wasn’t enough electoral bad news, I’m going to go over a very strange fact: you do not have a Constitutional right to vote in America. If you think that sounds insane, you’re not alone: Congressman Mark Pocan has proposed a Constitutional amendment to explicitly define that right to vote for all. But just in case you think he and I are completely off-base, we’ll review exactly why we make this outrageous claim.

All that and more on TMI for Saturday April 5th, 2014, broadcasting live at noon Central on WSUM 91.7FM and audio-streamed live via ! Don’t miss a thing!

Chicago Climate Episode John Fugelsang KeystoneXL Media Sociology Steve Horn WSUM

TMI 3/29/2014: Fugelsang on the Media, Horn on Energy, Aldous on Fire and More!

TMI today is on fire! Joining us live in studio are two friends of the program we’re proud to welcome back: John Fugelsang, frequent commentator on life’s absurdities and former host of Current TV’s Viewpoint, and Steve Horn, investigative journalist and research fellow at DeSmogBlog.

John always has great insights into how humanity seems to stumble into itself and even better suggestions on how to keep that from happening, and today we will talk about media and politics: how too often it seems the media seeks to divide and scare us of each other, rather than inform us about what’s happening! John always gives great conversation, so don’t miss it!

Steve will delve into the waters of Lake Michigan near Chicago to show us the latest on what exactly BP spilled there, and how much of it was released, and what kind of danger this may put the Windy City’s drinking supply in. Then, he’ll bring to light the energy export congressional hearings that happened this week, at which discussion of climate change was conspicuously absent.

All that and more today on TMI with Aldous Tyler at noon Central on WSUM 91.7FM in Madison, or streaming live audio via!

Dale Schultz Devil's Advocates Radio Dom Salvia Electoral Politics Episode First Amendment Mike Crute Scott Walker Solidarity Sing Along Voter ID WSUM

TMI 3/22/2014: Fighting the Silencing Governor with Mike Crute of The Devil’s Advocates Radio, and more!

Mike Crute, with his co-host Dom Salvia, run The Devil’s Advocates Radio program on The Mic 92.1 FM here in Madison. It is designed to offer a place for differing points of view, and thanks to that managed to get an exclusive interview with GOP State Senator Dale Schultz, wherein Senator Schultz vehemently decried his own party’s plan to suppress the vote.

But that’s not the only way Dom and Crute have been fighting Scott Walker’s campaign of silencing his opposition: by spontaneously joining in the Solidarity Sing Along once, Mike Crute (as well as Dom Salvia) were arrested. His defense attorney won his case on First Amendment grounds, clearing the way for many other arrested singers… but that story is not over yet. Listen in!

We’ll have that and much more on TMI today at noon Central on WSUM 91.7FM in Madison, or streaming live via and – tune in!

Abortion Dayna Long Episode FBI KeystoneXL National Organization for Women NOW TransCanada WSUM

TMI 3/15/2014: Defending the Rights of Pregnant Women with NOW and ISO, How the USA is Pushing for Canada’s Tar Sands, and more!

Dayna Long of NOW joins us via the phone today to talk about defending the rights of pregnant women, something that NOW is joining up with the ISO to discuss here in Madison on Wed, March 26th.

Then, we’ll delve into how the FBI and other American government entities have been supporting TransCanada in getting the Keystone XL Pipeline. If you think this is a matter of “Canada versus the USA” you’ve got another think coming: most of those benefiting are corporations who know no national allegiance, and have corrupted our governments to use our collective tax dollars for their ends, not ours.

All that and much more on today’s TMI, airing live at noon on WSUM 91.7FM in Madison, WI and live streaming everywhere via – tune in and don’t miss it!

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Al Gore John Fugelsang Mitt Romney Religion Spirituality WSUM

TMI 10/06/2012 – Conversations with John

We were joined by John Fugelsang, known far and wide as a comedic talent and presenter via the Stephanie Miller Show, the Bill Press Show as well as his own web-series Caffeinated on PoliPop! and now his weekly program on Current TV, as well as his upcoming daily program on that same network. Here, John and I click and converse about religion, spirituality, sexuality, politics and the common underlying threads between them all, prompting him to ask “Is your show always this deep?” This truly is a remarkable exchange – listen in!