Episode Music Pop Culture Spotify WSUM

TMI 03/26/2021 – Music Makers are Being Swept Downstream (full episode analysis)

Once upon a time in Melodia, one would dream of putting together a band, playing somewhere that would get you noticed by someone who would call up someone else to come see you play elsewhere, and suddenly you had a contract with a record label, a musical industry conglomerate who would promise you fame and fortune. Maybe something would come of the radio airplay you gained from it, or the tours you would go on, or your second or third album, but eventually you’d be known from London to Topeka, Tokyo to Sydney, or so the dream went. The labels were happy to sop up as much of that money as their deceptive contracts allowed them to, of course, and if you never got signed, you likely wound up working in an office somewhere while your guitar made friends with the spiders in the attic. Things often didn’t end up rosy.

Now, you don’t have to rely on the labels! You can make your music at home and stream it on Spotify, create a little YouTube video to go with it and get the ad revenue from the views – an exciting prospect to be sure. That is, until you find out how many thousands or even millions of times your music can be heard/seen without you seeing any notable income at all! We examine the history of the music industry, its transformation into the streaming era, and how many new musicians are feeling swept… downstream! All this and more on TMI for Friday March 26, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

COVID-19 disinformation Faiz Shakir Google misinformation union

TMI 03/19/2021 – The More Perfect Union Project w/ Faiz Shakir, What it Will Take for Post-COVID “Normal”, Search Engines Spread Disinfo By Design

Weekends, employer-provided health coverage, overtime pay, a ban on child labor – these are all benefits to society as a whole thanks to unions. Faiz Shakir, formerly of the Bernie Sanders campaign, knows all too well about how unions have been falling in membership size and power, and seeks to restore them via the More Perfect Union project. We discuss.

Then, we look seriously at what it is going to take to return to a pre-COVID normal – or if that is even possible. Finally we take on disinformation at its most unlikely source: search engines! That’s right, the way Bing or Google serve you up answers also serves you up with topics you LIKE, not necessarily ones that are correct. All this and more on TMI for Friday, March 19, 2021! Listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media! 

Billionaires Climate Corporate Malfeasance Donald Trump Episode Joe Biden Universal Health Care WSUM

TMI 03/12/2021 – Trump’s Traps to Trip Biden, Corporate Anti-Climate Spending Exposed, Billionaires Capture the Wealth We Need

Donald Trump promised to “drain the swamp” but conversely filled Washington DC with people loyal not to doing their job the best they can or to a sense of service to the Constitution, but to him and him alone. Finding these people and replacing them has become a major chore for the Biden administration, and we’ll discuss how.

Then: recent investigations into the tax filings of corporations, many of whom TALK about wanting to be greener, show that they give plenty of money to foundations, PACs and politicians whose aims are completely the opposite. Finally, we go over how billionaires could all STILL remain billionaires while having enough money put back into society to fund everything we need: infrastructure renewal, universal health care, ALL of it. They just DON’T WANT TO. All this and more on TMI for Friday, March 12, 2021! Listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Auto Industry Big Oil Climate COVID-19 Donald Trump Electric Vehicles GOP Influenza Neera Tanden WSUM

TMI 03/05/2021 – Trump Fractures the GOP, Neera Tanden Faces Consequences, Volvo and Others All-Electric in 2030, and the Defeat of the Flu

Donald Trump is out of office, no matter what Q Anon wants to claim, but his influence over the GOP remains strong… though not strong enough to have it entirely under his thumb. The tension is tearing the once-might GOP apart, and we discuss how.

Then, Neera Tanden, vocal opponent of the GOP and vicious enemy of the progressive movement in the USA is facing consequences for making very few friends outside of centrist President Joe Biden, her nominator. Next, we talk about how the auto industry is finally seeing the end of the line for the internal combustion engine, with companies like Volvo leading the… well, charge forward. Finally, thanks in no small part to how we’ve been social distancing and masking up to avoid COVID-19, it seems the 2020-2021 flu season was vanquished. All this and more on TMI for Friday, March 5, 2021! Listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!