COVID-19 Episode France John Beacham Peace Political Language Pop Culture Populism Socialism Universal Health Care WSUM

TMI 04/09/2021 – Socialism and the Coming Great Crisis w/ John Beacham, Pandemic Reopening and COVID’s Return, France Outlaws Accent Discrimination

John Beacham, author of 2020: Socialism and the Coming Great Crisis and podcaster at joins us to discuss Socialism and how a better understanding of it could impact the multitude of ills society faces.

Then, we explore the various reopening plans being implemented by those who call the shots as they get impatient with the restrictions of the pandemic, and examine who will face the consequences of their short attention span. Finally, we go to France, where in an attempt to reduce racism and discrimination, they have banned judging other French-speakers by their accents. All this and more on TMI for Friday April 9, 2021 – listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Artificial Intelligence Climate Cognition Con artist Episode Equality Fracking Global Politics Media Occupy Wall Street Political Language Populism Predictions Science Ted Cruz WSUM

TMI 01/01/2021 – New Year’s Predictions for 2030, Why We Love Grifters and Ted Cruz is Scum

Continuing a tradition done on TMI first on the 1/1/2011 episode, we are not going to do a Year in Review, but rather we are going to do a decade in review for 2021-2030: checking in with expert opinion on where we can expect to be in 2030 and how we can get there! Why not review the future? We’ve already BEEN through the past! Next, we have a sincere look at why we’re fascinated by grifters; people who play on our trust of our fellow human beings for their own benefit, often at our loss. Despite that, we can’t get enough tales of how they operate. Finally, we see that Ted Cruz and so many others have been honing their griftcraft over the upcoming Georgia Senate runoff elections, sending out ads and emails, fundraising while proclaiming they need to protect the Senate… without much (or even ANY) of the funds raised going to the Georgia races. All that and more for TMI’s first episode of 2021 – listen in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Anti-populism Cognition Conspiracy theories Equality Political Language Populism QAnon Relatives WSUM

TMI 12/25/2020 – How to Have Holiday Conversations, Populism’s True Meaning, and Farewell 2020!

On this Xmas Day episode, we get into some pointers on how to keep Zoom calls with loved ones over the Holidays from degenerating into the latest QAnon litany of nonsense. Then, I put to rest some unfinished business with some listeners from “across the pond” who wish to insist they know what “Populism” is. I insist that until they hear where it actually came from, they keep the word out of their mouths – this can be solved simply by listening as I go over the origins, history and the story of the solitary quack who was taken far too seriously in Europe when it comes to Populism. Finally, I bid farewell to 2020, and look forward to the next episode being 2021. All that and more for the Xmas present that is TMI for Friday 12/25/2020 – stuff your stocking with the Cure for the Common Media!

Anti-populism Book Review Episode Equality Media Political Language Populism Thomas Frank YouTube

TMI: Thomas Frank’s “The People, No” on YouTube


Last week’s episode was caught on camera, so now you can watch while you listen:

Anti-populism Book Review Donald Trump Episode Equality Media Political Language Populism Thomas Frank WSUM

TMI 11/27/2020 – “The People, No” with Thomas Frank

On TMI’s most in-depth single interview to date, we discuss Thomas Frank’s latest book, “The People, No – A Brief History of Anti-Populism”, a revealing look at how unjustly vilified the notion has become of the people standing up and banding together to see that their needs are addressed as much as the needs of the elites are. Thomas and I go deep into the subject, exploring the fascinating connection between the nascent People’s Party of the late 1800’s to the Bernie Sanders movement, as well as the forces that aligned against BOTH. You don’t want to miss a minute of the episode of TMI for Friday, November 27, 2020, so listen in for YOUR Cure for the Common Media!

Electoral Politics Episode Populism Progressive Policy WSUM

TMI 6/21/2014 – The Wedge that Keeps Populism Divided, and much more!

There could be a vibrant populist movement in the United States of America. Any time a government-for-the-People progressive candidate gets through the myriad political traps laid down by the status-quo parties, they find a large amount of support from the citizenry. Libertarian-minded candidates also find plenty of popular support thanks to their individual-rights stances. Even the Tea Party only fared as well as they did because they dressed themselves up in populist rhetoric.

So why isn’t there a broad coalition of people-power politicos making waves? I believe I’ve identified the wedge, the issue that keeps us from doing this, and I’ll go over it live on the air, and much more at noon Central on WSUM FM, 91.7 in Madison and everywhere! Tune in for your Cure for the Common Media.

Electoral Politics Episode Jeremy Ryan Mary Jo Walters Paul Ryan Populism WSUM

TMI 6/14/2014 – A Progressive Ryan in the GOP, a Populist Mary Jo for Lt. Governor, and much more!

TMI this weekend brings you candidates you ought to know about, but may not have heard much from! Firstly, Mary Jo Walters is going for Lieutenant Governor here in Wisconsin to try and help give the people a voice.

Then, in Wisconsin’s 1st District, Jeremy Ryan is proving that party affiliation is far less important than values and fight as he takes on incumbent Paul Ryan (of the recently failed Romney campaign) from within the Republican Primary!

All that and more on TMI for Saturday, June 14th, live at noon Central on WSUM FM, 91.7 in Madison and everywhere! Tune in for your cure for the common media.