Episode Fracking OPEC Steve Horn WSUM

TMI 12/06/2014 – How OPEC’s Floored the Gas Pedal and Denton’s Challenged Fracking with Steve Horn, and much more!

If you live in the USA, you might have noticed that gas prices have fallen steadily of late. Some worry that this will lead to increased usage and worsen the already tenuous situation we face with the climate crisis, but there may be an environmental upside to OPEC refusing to slow oil production, thus glutting the market and lowering the price we face at the pump. Steve Horn of DeSmogBlog joins us to discuss that as well as what’s happening in Denton, Texas, where, he reports, environmental groups have joined the city in defending itself against the big oil interests that are suing to overturn the ban on hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) that the citizens voted to put into place.

There’s that and much more on TMI with Aldous Tyler for Saturday, December 6th, 2014, airing live on WSUM 91.7 FM in Madison, and simulcast via live stream at everywhere! Tune in for your Cure for the Common Media.

Charter Schools Education Episode Housing Crisis Rick Snyder Scott Walker WSUM

TMI 11/22/2014 – Educate Yourself about the Education Agenda, the Foreclosure of Fraudulent Mortgages, and more!

Many of us who are upset about the changes made in state education programs by governors like Scott Walker and Rick Snyder are brought up short when challenged to name specifically what wrongs have been committed by their supporters. Listen in today, and be armed with specifics. Find out precisely what the overall budget cuts have resulted in. Be able to say precisely why charter schools have become a menace to public schooling. Match your passionate opposition to the factual results of these policies, and be better armed for Thanksgiving dinner-table debates.

Then, with proclamations that the recession caused by the housing bubble bursting is over, one might think that we are out of the woods when it comes to the ill effects of home foreclosures caused by fraudulent mortgage practices. If only that were true. We’ll look at Massachusetts, where 40,000 frauds continue to steal homes away, with no help to be had.

All that and more on TMI with Aldous Tyler for Saturday, November 22, 2014, airing live at noon Central on WSUM 91.7 FM in Madison and anywhere – tune in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Bernie Sanders Democratic Party Episode Gubernatorial Politics Mary Jo Walters Patrick Walker Presidential Politics WSUM

TMI 10/25/2014 – Another Party Heard From with Mary Jo Walters on Wisconsin and Patrick Walker on Politics

Mary Jo Walters is running a campaign to represent the people of Wisconsin as Governor (after trying to run for Lt. Governor), but she’s not about to limit herself to the two big parties to do it! We’ll have her live in studio to discuss what it means to run outside the system. Then, Patrick Walker has been thinking about how Bernie Sanders may run for President in 2016, and he thinks that should be as a Democrat – but not so Bernie can be co-opted!

We’ll have all that and much more on TMI for 10/25/2014, broadcasting live at noon Central on WSUM 91.7 FM Madison or streaming live on anywhere. Tune in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Episode Media WSUM

TMI 10/18/2014 – The Cure for the Common Media

On TMI this week: Aldous will take on media laziness and malpractice while taking your comments and questions live at 608-265-9786 (265-WSUM) starting at noon Central on WSUM 91.7 FM in Madison and simulcast live via streaming at – tune in and call in for your cure for the common media!

Abortion Big Oil Bitumen Episode Karen Middleton KeystoneXL NARAL Personhood Pro-choice SCOTUS Steve Horn Tar Sands Women's Rights WSUM

TMI 10/11/2014 – No KXL Required with Steve Horn, Colorado’s Push for “Personhood” with Karen Middleton, and SCOTUS Interruptus!

Usually, I prefer a relaxed attitude about things: no jacket required, open mic nights, etc. In the case of big oil, however, I make an exception: they want to bring Alberta tar sands bitumen to market, no Keystone XL required… and it looks like they’ve managed it. Steve Horn joins us to discuss how this came to be while we were focused on KXL.

Then, have you heard of “Personhood”? It’s the concept that a fertilized egg has the same rights as a full human being. It comes up every few years, but this time it’s been reframed in an insidious new way that tricked former opponents into backing it. Karen Middleton, Executive Director of NARAL Pro-Choice Colorado, joins us to help sort it out and pin down where in America is facing this new threat to women’s rights.

Finally, the Supreme Court is issuing rulings left and right, some good, some bad, and many confusing. We’ll go over some of what’s going on with the nation’s highest court. Catch all that and more on TMI for Saturday, October 11, 2014, airing live at noon Central on WSUM FM 91.7 and streaming live everywhere on – get your dose of the Cure for the Common Media!

Electoral Politics Episode Fracking Income Inequality WSUM

TMI 10/04/2014 – You Don’t Know the Power of Economic Inquality, When Democracy Meets Fracking, When Democracy Meets Hong Kong and more!

When asked if they feel that income inequality is an issue, overwhelmingly Americans say yes, but when asked just how unequal, they say 30 to 1… and they’re wrong, by a lot. We’ll get into that, plus we’ll talk about what happened in Colorado when local communities wanted to keep fracking out via the power of the ballot box. Who their foes turned out to be may surprise you. Finally, we’ll go over the way forward in Hong Kong after their attempt to have their voices heard democratically. All that and much more on TMI for Saturday, October, 4, 2014, live at noon Central on WSUM FM 91.7 in Madison, and streaming live anywhere in the net-connected cosmos at – tune in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Carl Gibson Ebola Episode Miles Kristan Peter Barca Scott Walker WSUM

TMI 9/20/2014 – The Wisconsin Poll Watcher Militia, Peter Barca has Miles To Go with Carl Gibson, American Exceptionalism and Ebola, and more!

Lots of news from Wisconsin and abroad!

First: Wisconsin’s historic recall spawned backlash in a number of ways: perhaps the most insidious is the website, which took all of the names and addresses and political donation history of those who signed the recall petition and made all of that public and easily searchable, but MORE, matched them up with court data to list those who owe back taxes, are registered sex offenders, etc. But, as if that wasn’t bad enough, now there is a group calling themselves the “Wisconsin Poll Watcher Militia” who intend to go to heavily-Democratic districts, find people who signed the recall petition, follow them home and call the authorities on them. They swear they won’t go after any Republican voters… so yeah, they’re the “good guys”. *sigh*

On the other hand, Representative Peter Barca (D – Kenosha) is often considered one of the “good guys” in Progressive circles; as Minority Leader in the State Assembly during Scott Walker’s administration, he’s been seen as someone who can be counted on to oppose the machinations of the GOP. Enter activist Miles Kristan, who knew of Barca’s reputation, and wondered why Barca was endorsing a Republican-turned-Dem who publicly supported Walker in 2010. Simply asking the question got Miles arrested. There’s even more to this story, and thanks to Carl Gibson’s reporting, we’ll discuss it.

Then: we commonly see America’s foreign policy as being well-intended, even if sometimes poorly executed. The response to the Ebola outbreak in Africa provides us an interesting and current example of why we need to hold that view of America’s intentions suspect, and we’ll go over all that and more on TMI for Saturday, September 20, 2014, airing live on WSUM FM 91.7 in Madison and streaming live anywhere on – tune in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Anthony R. Inagraffea Election Integrity Electoral Politics Episode Fracking Voter ID WSUM

TMI 9/13/2014 – Anthony Ingraffea and the Science of Fracking, Walker’s Stunning Voter I.D. Win, and much more!

We’ve discussed fracking – the practice formally called hydraulic fracturing – and have had on Steve Horn of DeSmogBlog and others to tell us what the oil and gas industry is up to with implementing it. Today we warmly welcome Anthony R. Inagraffea, Dwight C. Baum Professor of Engineering and Weiss Presidential Teaching Fellow at Cornell University, who knows the actual scientific and engineering principles behind fracking. We’ll discuss what parts of the hydraulic fracturing process have been shown to be environmentally hazardous, and what parts, if any, have been shown to be safe. You want the facts? We’ve got them.

Then, a Federal Appeals Court on Friday overturned a lower-court ban on Wisconsin’s Voter ID law. There has been no small amount of misunderstanding about why this law is a problem, so we will analyze it and see how this could truly make a mess of the voting process on November 4.

All that and more on TMI for Saturday the 13th of September, 2014, airing live at noon Central on WSUM FM 91.7 in Madison and streaming live at anywhere! Don’t miss your Cure for the Common Media!

Big Oil Enbridge Episode KeystoneXL Steve Horn WSUM

TMI 9/06/2014 – Steve Horn’s Keystone Clone, Yoon’s Polar Vortex Revelation, and much more!

Steve Horn of has been working all summer on a five-party series that shows how the focus on Keystone XL, while good in many ways, has distracted us from the efforts of Enbridge and the Federal Government to create what amounts to a clone of the dreaded KXL. He joins us by phone to go over what’s been going on while we were enjoying the halcyon days.

Then, Jin-Ho Yoon of the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington is more concerned about winter. A study he coauthored had found that the Polar Vortex phenomenon that plagued is here in the U.S. last year may become the new normal, thanks to how arctic sea ice has been steadily disappearing.

We’ll have all that and more on TMI for Saturday, September 6th, 2014, live at noon Central on WSUM FM 91.7 in Madison and live streaming at – tune in for your Cure for the Common Media!

Episode Ferguson, MO Gun Culture Jack Russell Weinstein Michael Brown Open Carry Police Militarization Second Amendment Stand Your Ground WSUM

TMI 08/23/2014 – Jack Russell Weinstein on Open Carry, Police Outfitted as Soldiers in a War on Whom? and much more!

Jack Russell Weinstein, Professor at University of North Dakota and host of the Why? radio program, authored a blog post this summer that set many folks on both sides of the gun ownership debate abuzz, called, “How Should People Respond to Open-Carry Gun-Rights Activists?” He joins us on TMI to discuss this, and what exactly is driving the great divide in gun culture here in America. To that end, are laws like Stand Your Ground and movements like Open Carry rationale for the marked increase in the militarization of our police officers? As seen not only in Michael Brown case in Ferguson, Missouri, more and more police and sheriff departments are becoming equipped not like the officers of the peace we need them to be, but as soldiers fighting a war – but who is the enemy? Us?

We’ll explore all that and much more on TMI for Saturday, August 23, 2014, airing live at noon Central on WSUM FM 91.7 and – tune in for your Cure for the Common Media!